Equal Love

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Well, this is it, the sixth and last week of the Jaylos Week, I hope this story makes a good ending for my participation!

Saturday-Getting caught

Equal Love

If someone had ever said that things in the Fairy-Tale-Land were utterly perfect, then they had been either very naïve or lying.

No matter how good, how nice things were in Auradon mistakes were made, bad words were spoken, and something could always go wrong.

Although, if you came from the Isle of the Lost and had lived there you knew that, while something could go wrong in Auradon, it was never bad enough as for it to not have a repair.

Truth to be said, the Isle children had gone a huge way ever since their first arrival to Auradon, especially in what concerned to getting to understand love, even if they were still hesitant when showing it, always expecting to be mocked at or called weak for it.

On the other hand, while both Mal and Evie had started to date Auradonians shortly after their arrival, the male former villains had decided to go rather slowly, taking baby steps until finally deciding that, now that they were in a place where love and affection wasn't condemned, maybe they could give it a try, much for the girls' amusement.

Although, even if both the daughters of the Evil Queen and Maleficent had assured the boys that they could start a relationship and that no one would bat an eye at it or at the fact that they were both males several times, they had decided not to risk it, not at the time, anyways.

It wasn't that they didn't want to make their relationship public, Jay had explained to Mal at some point, but Carlos was just starting to feel secure at Auradon, and it would have been a cold day in Hell before he let anything shake that security from the son of Cruella, let alone something as silly as letting everyone in Auradon know something that was still as meaningful if only the four of them possessed such information.

Of course, that, especially when they were around, something had to go wrong with that plan.

It was an accident, a slipping, almost too small to be important or even noticed. Except that it was.

Ever after Ben's coronation followed by Maleficent's defeat, the five of them had acquired the habit of studying together, mainly because now that their stay at Auradon was something permanent instead of merely temporal, Ben was determined to have them keep up with the classes better than ever. Not that the four former villains wouldn't have managed on their own, but this way he also got the plus of spending time with Mal.

The accident that made everything crash and burn was during one of those afternoon meetings, when Evie let slip the fact that Jay and Carlos were dating.

Ben, born and raised to be king did not miss the usage of words, although he was too caught up by surprise to realize that if he hadn't heard anything about it then it probably would be wiser to pretend he hadn't noticed right then either. On the other side, all he found himself able of doing was blink back in confusion, which, of course, made the blue-haired girl dwell on her mistake.

"So, you two are together, like, together, together?" the young king asked, connecting the dots while he turned to Jay and Carlos.

"I... we..." Carlos stuttered, stiffening under the playful chokehold of the former thief that was rapidly turning a tight hold.

And just like that Mal, Jay and Evie, who had been lazily laying on the dorm's beds ―on Mal's the girls and on Evie's the boys― were suddenly brought to their feet, daring him, daring him to say something impropriate, something against any of them, to utter something hurtful.

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