Don't shut your eyes

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Cancer. Of all the thing it could be cancer.

3 months ago Tom learned he would have to spend the rest of his life without the woman he loved. Taylor had been protesting for months but Tom had to, he had to make Taylor go to the doctors. Now he almost wishes he had not have taken her, he would never have known maybe they could have lived those last 3 months without the pain.

Nothing is more painful than watching the person you love disappear, you might not know it but when you know that from every day for the rest of your life without that person you love, it breaks you more that you know. There was nothing they could do. She was going and that was it.

He looked at her now, she was nearing her last breath. One of Tom's biggest fears was looking into Taylor's eyes and watching their light disappear. To never see her smile again, to never hear her voice again. To live every moment without her by his side.

"Tom," Taylor struggled she reached out for Tom's hand, "Oh Taylor," Tom replied taking her hand. Tears were streaming down Tom's cheeks. "I don't want to go, don't let me go," Taylor begged. Taylor was nearing tears now, she had promised herself she wouldn't cry, for Tom, to make it easier. 

Tom couldn't let her go he just couldn't. Tom help closely onto Taylor's hand, he had to know she was still there. "Tom," Taylor began. 

Tom couldn't do it, she couldn't go, everything he's ever wanted, needed even would slip away if she went. Something in Tom's heart said if he turned his back now it would break both himself and Taylor.

"Taylor what is it darling?" Tom replies, despite being an actor Tom couldn't pretend to be calm. Taylor was going a better job at it than him. "Don't stop living just because I had to, I love you and you should be happy" Taylor whispered, "I can't help it Taylor, you are my life, you are my world, everything will stop being if you stop living," Tom tried to stay calm but he couldn't how could he stay calm if the light of his life wasn't here just the thought of it would make fresh tears spill down his cheeks. They could take anything away from him just not Taylor, anything but Taylor. "Look at me Tom," Taylor said.

Her breaths were weak but her eyes stayed strong. They always had. Taylor was so strong she could make her way through anything, until now. Those words they still killed him inside, those words.

"Mr Hiddleston, Miss Swift, I'm so sorry... There's nothing we could do,"

Nothing, it rang around in his head now. Nothing.

Tom was struggling himself, he turned his head to Taylor, he locked his eye to Taylor. Taylor has such beautiful eyes, Tom would look into them all the time. Tom's heart melted, he couldn't take it. 

"Tom, live on without me," Taylor told him Taylor took his second hand "promise me,", "I can't, I can't live on without you," Tom sobbed, "you're strong, you'll find a way, I know you will," Taylor said softly. "I can't Taylor, I just can't please don't shut your eyes on me," Tom begged "I can't live without you, I need you Taylor, I need you,". Taylor's eyes saddened, she was going to have to leave him and she didn't have a choice there was nothing anybody could do.

"Don't go, there has to be something they can do," Tom cried. Taylor looked into Tom's eyes, "I'm sorry," Taylor replied. She turned her head she couldn't say it to his face. "I have to go, Tom I have to. I'm poison, if you don't forget me you'll never live, I don't want to go knowing I've ruined you life. Promise me Tom, promise me you'll move on," Taylor said, the crack in her voice showed that she was near crying. 

This couldn't be happening. Taylor was begging that this was all in her mind. Nothing, there was nothing they could do? What was she leaving behind? The man who loved her so. You can't touch somebodies heart the way he did and not leave a mark. 

They were given 3 months, Taylor was told to live her life in 3 months. They got married, Taylor said goodbye. There was nothing they could do

"The last thing you are is poison, you found my heart Taylor and it belongs to you, everything I have ever wanted is you Taylor," Tom replied every word came with a new tear. 

Taylor's world was going dark already, she couldn't tell if she was passing out or if this was the end. 

"Tom, I love you, I always have. You have touched my heart and made me whole. They always said that your heart is only a half of what it should be and you have to find the other half. Tom, you're my other half, I love you," Taylor told him, "You really are going Taylor, I'm really going to live on from this point without you" Tom had to stop, he wiped his tears away and looked at Taylor, "I love you too Taylor, I always have,".

Taylor couldn't do it anymore she snapped, tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Tom, don't let me get in your way," Taylor begged, "but all it will be after this is second best, you're everything Taylor, don't leave me! I won't let you," Tom sobbed, "Tom, it will all be ok," Taylor said. She had to tell Tom before it was too late.

Taylor took a deep breath.

"Tom, I'm going to go away, but I want to you to know that my love for you reaches across the universe. No matter when I am I will always love you. Everything happens for a reason, I don't know why this is happening but Tom you will. Promise me that you'll live the life you have left to it's fullest," Taylor said

Tom didn't have time to answer, Taylor went limp and his biggest fear came true, watching the light in Taylor's eyes go dark

"Taylor? Taylor?" Tom cried. He just held onto her limp body, she had to be alive, she had to still be here. "I promise you," Tom whispered.

I know this chapter is a little sad but it all just flowed so easily, I'll be honest I cried while I wrote this. I hope that this does what I hope and raise a awareness for cancer. I hope you guys enjoyed this dark passage.


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