The past is in the past the future is what we have to worry about now

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*henry's pov*
I woke up too somebody shaking me awake. I groan and sit-up rubbing my eyes. Then I realized it was Charlotte. She had tears running down her cheeks and I felt instantly awake. I hug her tightly and she hugs me back in return.

"Wh-what happen?" I question with a yawn.

"M-my m-mom left..." She cries out. I widen my eyes and hug her again holding her tightly in my arms as she cries. "It's going to be okay Charlotte it always is..."

*charlotte's pov*

I felt Henry's arms hold me close to him as I cry. He starts to hush me "it's going to be ok Charlotte it always is..." When hen told me that I felt safe and comfortable. I rested my head on his chest the reason why I went to him first as because he knows how it feels to be left. His mom left too. I guess we have something in common now. When I'm around Henry I feel safe and okay. Thinking this I close my eyes tightly and snuggle against Henry's chest.

"I love you..." Henry whispers kissing my forehead then Before I knew it I fell asleep.

*henry's pov*

When Charlotte told me this it reminded me of when my mom left, it reminded me when she abused me and when I used to get bullied. It reminded me of my past. I quickly kiss Charlotte's forehead and carry her to my bed. I lay her on it gently to make sure to not wake her.

I looked at the time and it is 3:00am in the morning. I yawn tiredly and sit down on my chair. I grabbed my old Broken down notebook I used to carry around until I was 11 or ten. I look threw the pages and start to read it. It reminded me when I used to live with my mom and dad and little sister. It reminded me when I had a full family. I read some more and I couldn't help myself. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. I started to cry. I started to read more and I started to cry harder. I heard Charlotte groaning and waking up. Tears kept falling even though I tried to make them stop. I didn't want to wake her-

"H-Henry?" I hear Charlotte ask I start to cry again. I hear her feet touch gracefully tand quickly trotted over to me. "Henry are you crying?" Charlotte questions sitting next to me on the chair that I am sitting on. As I nod a yes she gets up and turns on the lights. Char gasps slightly when she notices tear stains on my cheeks.

"H-Henry are you okay?" Char gasps and runs to my side sitting next to me on the chair. I nod even though wasn't. She sighs and I felt her hands wrap around my shoulders.

"Did what I tell you remind you of your mom?" Char asks. How is she so smart. I can feel like she knows everything. I nod a yes sighing shakily.

"I also read this..." I admit letting Charlotte hold my favorite notebook I have had for a very long time. She looks threw it and sighs understandably. "You miss your family, you miss your mom." Charlotte reads. I nod slightly. When she reads more she gasps.

"Y-you never told me you got bullied!?" She shrieks and that makes me cry harder. Charlotte pulls me into a nice warm hug. I hug her back tightly.

"The past is in the past Henry...the future is what we have to worry about now, ok?" Charlotte comforts me. I nod with a tiny smile on my face.

Suddenly the door bursts open and there stands Ray holding a banana as a weapon and he still has his pj's on with his blind fold on his forehead.

"You where going to defend yourself with a banana?" I laugh with a sniffle. Ray drops the banana and brings me into a hug. Charlotte joins in.

"Remember. The past is in the past. The future is what you have to worry about now..."

Too close (Chenry) {NOT EDITED! FINISHED!}Where stories live. Discover now