Perfect night

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*Henry's pov*
When we finally got to Charlotte's house she opened the door and shut it behind her. When I turned around I saw her mom standing there like she has been waiting for hours.

"Why are you two home so early? Isn't the concert still going on?" She questions putting both of her hands on her shoulders. I was about to say something when Charlotte interrupted me

"No mom everything is fine. It was getting too cold so we wanted to hang out here." Charlotte lies and sits me on there couch. I'm still cold so she puts a blanket on me and brings us both hot chocolate. I smile and chuckle and she giggles. "Love birds. I-I'll be back." Her mom says leaving with a bag which is wired. We just shrug it off and soon before you know it we both fall asleep on the couch.

(A/n: says in spongebob narrator voice 👇two hours later.....)

Charlotte's pov

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Charlotte's pov

I wake up and realize my head is on top of Henry's chest. I slowly get up to make sure not to wake him. I rub by eyes and look at the clock that is set on top of the counter beside of our couch.  It's 2:30am! We've been sleeping for over an hour! Oh boy, Ray must be worried about Henry.

I gently touch Henry's shoulder a few times before he flutters his eyes open. "Wh-what is it?" He mutters with a yawn stretching his arms into the air then bringing them back to his sides. I chuckle a little.

"we need to get back to the man cave. Ray is probably worried sick....sleepy head." I joke as I start to head towards our door. He groans sleepily as we both head out the door towards the man cave.

We finally reached junk-n-stuff and ran to the elevator

*henry's pov*

We scream and finally hit the floor. As we stumble out we see Ray sleeping on the couch looking like he was waiting for me to return with his phone in his hand sitting up with his eyes closed and mouth open snoring.

"Ray?" I question pocking at his arm.

"RAY!" Charlotte screams in his ear making him fall over and toss himself off of the couch. He stands up and sees me and I hear him sigh in relief.

"Henry I was so worried." He mumbles and pulls me into a hug. I hug back.

"Sorry I guess I fell asleep at Charlotte's house after we got home from the concert. Sorry dude." I say patting Ray on his back. He smiles tiredly and yawns which makes me yawn in reply.

"Henry go to bed you look tired. And Charlotte stay the night I don't want you to walk home in the dark alone." Ray states tiredly and walks off to his sprocket room. Charlotte hugs me and gives me a light kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight." She whispers tiredly in my ear and walks off to the guest room.

I tiredly walk towards my room and before you knew it. I fell asleep.

Too close (Chenry) {NOT EDITED! FINISHED!}Where stories live. Discover now