Cheaters and fights

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Maddies POV
*after class*
Okay okay Maddie calm down , so what if baiken's a thing now right? Because I have Sean now right? Right? Wrong just when I thought things couldn't get worse I saw Sean walk into the building....holding another girls hand  and I just broke down I ran out the building with tears streaming down my face.

Kenneths POV

I saw Maddie run out the studio crying , oh no was this my fault? Is she crying because of me, did baileys plan really work, did it effect her?...

Seans POV

I started loosing feeling for Maddie a long time ago , and I need someone new , I was tiered of Maddie and all her nagging , I entered the dance studio holding my new gfs hand and she ran out crying , I don't know if I should feel bad or not. Eh

Maddies POV

I was sitting on the curb crying when I heard someone walk up , I swear I thought it was Sean ready to give me an explanation or whatever...but it wasn't , it was Ken , I was really surprised to see him here standing next to me , I thought he was ignoring me and didn't want anything to do with me anymore..


Maddie:"why are you here...I thought you didn't want anything to do with me anymore"

Kenneth:"why are you crying?.."

Maddie:"doesn't matter , you wouldn't care anyways"

Kenneth:"not true... I've always cared ..and I still do, so please tell me why your crying"

Maddie:"Sean cheated on me ...that girl he walked in the studio with just now , they were holding hands..he's over me and now so are you"

Kenneth's POV
Hold up ! Sean cheated on her??!!! How could he!!? Maddies such a sweet amazing wonderful girl!!!! I'm Sooo mad, I have to do something about this!

Kenneth:"I'll be right back"

Maddie:"where are you going?.."

Kenneth:"to teach Sean a lesson"

Maddies POV
Teach Sean a lesson ?? Huh? What does he mean?...OH WAIT NOW I KNOW WHAT HE MEANS! I was about to tell Kenneth to wait but he was already halfway to the studio. I can't let them fight I have to do something.

Kenneth's POV
Sean isn't gonna get away with this , he needs to be taught a lesson.

Kenneth:"YO SEAN!"

Sean:"aye Ken what's up?"

Kenneth:"not you"


When Sean said "huh" I punched him super hard in the face and he fell to the floor with blood rushing out his nose

Kenneth:"get it ? Your no longer up , stay the hell away from Maddie got it!? You hurt her and you deal with me , your pathetic Sean , at least have the decency to tell the girl you want to break up don't just show up with a new girl , I'm outta here"

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