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Maddies POV
I haven't talked to Kenneth since the day I went to his house in the pouring rain. And to be honest it' killed me's killing me. I miss my bestfriend so much and to top it all of Sean is acting distant around me too. I texted Sean to ask if he wanted to hangout before dance tonight (text convo⤵️)

Me: hey wanna hangout before dance tonight?

From sean💓: hey yeah no I can't , I'm busy"

Me:oh okay bye.
(End of convo )

Of course he's always busy now , I guess I'll just watch tv until it's time to go...

Kenneth's POV

I was just laying on the floor when I got a text from Maddie... Great! Why is she texting me , all she said was "hey can we talk" but I didn't reply , like always. But then I got another Text , I thought it was from Maddie again but it wasn't , it was from bailey. (Convo ⤵️)

Bailey: "hey Ken you coming to ALDC tonight right?"

Kenneth:"uh yes, why?"

Bailey:"still thinking about Maddie? And trying to get her to like you?"

Kenneth:"yup but nothing is going to work"

Bailey:"I have a plan😈, let's make Maddie jealous"

Kenneth: "okay bails what the heck are you talking about , she doesn't even like me how would we make her jealous??"

Bailey:"no I think she does , she feels something for you but she just won't admit it"

Kenneth:"mmmm fine , what's your plan"

Bailey:"let's pretend to make baiken real, you know like pretend you and I are dating then she'll get jealous, just make sure we let Gabe and Tati and everyone else know, except Sean Bc then he'll know the plan"

Kenneth:"🤔 idk about this bailey but okay"

Bailey:"okay meet me at ALDC in 5 min class starts in 20 min"

Kenneth:"alright , on my way "
(End of convo)

I didn't know if baileys plan was going to work , but it was worth a shot , I asked kuya Matt to take me to class and he did .

(For those who don't know what kuya means it's Filipino for brother cousin or family friend )

I got off the car and saw Bailey waiting for me at the entrance.

Bailey:"maddies here early , that's good , okay ready?"


Bailey:"okay give me your hand"

Bailey and I walked into the studio holding hands and immediately maddies eyes shoot up from her phone and locks her eyes on mine and baileys hands that are intertwined. Is this plan working??

Maddies POV

I was just sitting on the floor waiting for class to start when I saw Bailey and Ken walk into the studio together. But wait... THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS!!! WHAT?!? WHY!? AND WHY AM I FEELING SO JEALOUS??? IS BAIKEN OFFICIAL NOW!?! DO I HAVE FEELINGS FOR KEN!??! NO I CANT ! UGH WHATS GOING ON!?

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