Carson slammed his locker and ran to us grinning . I couldn't help but notice Duncan blush when Carson slid in front of him.

"Hmmm Logan if ur team wins u guys can come over for free ice cream or milkshakes and I'll buy you all pizza." Every one agreed on that.

"And if you win?"

"Hmmmm sleep over you have to have all of us including the twins stay the night at ur house this weekend."

The twins looked mad considering they where the ones no one liked but then they noticed me and smiled. "Okay who's looking?"

"Two rounds, you guys hide this round then we do u have 60 seconds to find a spot in the school but no outside spots." with that my team ran off Logan grabbed my arm and pulled me to the science lab that no one used.

He pulled me into the closet inside the lab turning on his phones flashlight. It was really cramped so I ended up being a little to close to him. I could feel his breath on my skin. I'll admit I am slightly attracted to him and I have been sence the time we went to the WARF, even though he didn't look at me much I looked at him I noticed how soft his skin was and how his hair was always messy yet cute...

uuuuugh I sound like a chick fangirling over an anime dude. Logan put a towel over his light so it wasn't to bright but enough for us to see. That's when I noticed we wore surrounded by dead bugs and stuff usually I would be chill with it but then I saw a rat in a jar filled with water . I was about to scream my head off when Logan pulled me into his arms shushing me. "Its fine its fine " it's weird but I felt safe. I looked up at him noticing he was staring at me. We made eye contact and soon enough we wore leaning in, after a while of kissing I noticed I was in his lap now and he had his hands on my waist. I also noticed I was losing even worse then 20 mins ago. We pulled away for air Logan's face was bright and by how hot I felt mine was no better.

"Louise...I- " the vent above us swung open to find a very amused looking Carson, he jumped down and landed next to us

"Hey don't worry I just got here I just came to say they gave up. Andy scared Scotty and got his nose broken." I panicked a little "IS HE OKAY!?!??"

"Yeah he's fine scotty wouldn't stop apologizing but they knew it was an acident,anyways free food and shit" that's when the speaker thing came on. "Attention students this is Gene speaking telling u all to RUN!!!!! BEFOR WERE FORCED TO LEARN!!!!!" Then a fart song played as I heard Mr Fronds screaming at gene from the background but I'm geussing he got away cus when we came out into the halls everyone was running outside laughing along with Gene who was making fart sounds on his keybord as him,Tina, Jimmy jr, Tammy, Zeak and Jocelin ran down the hall with that we ran to.

School would have been boring anyways plus I want ice cream. We all walked to Duncan's and he opens up the shop only to find his moms glaring at us. "Duncan why aren't u in school?" "School got canceled everyone left."

"Okay well hope u kids we over for some ice cream." "Okay but its going to snow storm tonight so make sure u kids are safe leaving" "Hey guys how about we get some burgers instead of pizza?" Everyone nodded and I went over and made a few. "Louise baby why are u home from school?" I looked over and saw my mom . "school got canceled so me and my friends are hanging at Duncan's, I thought I would make some burgers."

"Are they paying?" I looked away trying to think of an excuse "well don't tell your father I'll let it slide. Oh and schools canceled for the week something about snow troubles"

I smiled and nodded , walking back over I saw Andy and Ollie waiting outside . "let us help you!" I handed Andy and Ollie one of the trays that had a few burgers on them. "So louise everyone thinks we should all have a sleep over " "yeah but Logan said it can't be House or his mom will murder him." I thought for a while. "Okay let's have it at Duncan's " "that was the plan" when we walked in Duncan was getting the milkshakes Logan was helping by blending them and Scotty was putting the whipped cream on. I have noticed Duncan and Logan fighting but if they didn't they would probably be good friends.

I geuss I spoke to soon cus they made ANOTHER BET on who ever can blend the ice cream the fastest is better. "That is it!" Everyone turned to look at me "Duncan, Logan both of u are being babies! I want you to both just hug it out right now!" "WHAT WERE NOT HUGGING!!"

"Hug or I'll gut punch both of you three times as you sleep!" They both awkwardly tried hugging but Duncan grabbed Logan's face and smashed it into his chest, Duncan being bigger and stronger held him there making it harder for Logan to breath.

"Duncan....Your suffocating him"

"No I'm not were hugging, he's fine" Logan was obviously dying and struggling" uuuugh fine all in favor of letting Logan go raise your hands!" Carson,Scotty and Jacob raised there hands. "And letting him stay?" Duncan Andy and Ollie raised there hands. "Okay well I pick him to be alive, let go." Duncan sighed and let go leaving Logan breathing and missed. "DID YOU GUYS JUST VOT ON LETTING ME LIVE!?!" "Well yeah but I won." "You know what, YOUR ALL PHSYCHO PATHS!"

Logan stomed off and Duncan looked at me. "What's his deal?" "I don't know he's weird" Carson sighed and chased after logan and I being the sweet girlfriend I am followed.

🔥logans pov🔥

I was storming off and then got turned around by that stealthy guy I think his name was Carson. "What!?" "Dude come on back to the sleep over its snowing really bad your not going to make it to your place in time" "I could care less if I make it or not As long as I'm not stuck in a room with ice cream boy and four ears I'm fine!" "Come on man you guys kissed you are both obviously losing and shit!" God damn it fuck this "THOSE ALL THE RULES I HAVE TO ACT LIKE A BOYFRIEND THAT KISS! MENT NOTHING!" Carson was about to say something when he was interruptd

"It didn't?" We turned to see a hurt Louise. "Lou I-" she stormed back to the ice cream shop. "...come on dude let's go" I nodded and followed him back to the ice cream shop. Louise was sitting at a table she looked hurt still but she was acting like nothing happened. Carson patted my back and dragged Duncan in the back.

I sat at a table with Scotty and Jacob
"I stupid" well they said "you stupid" but u get my drift. Duncan came out blushing along with Caron who was smirking I wasn't sure if Duns on embaressed him or what but Duncan looked scared. "M-my moms said you can all stay the night so call your parents and ask louise your mom said it was f-fine." After that duncan ran upstairs screaming about finding us pajamas. All I could do was look at Louise....but all she could do was look away. I geuss I fucked up. Duncan came back and gave us all some of his pajamas ,Carson said hell sleep in his boxers and tank top cus Duncan's cloths are to small on him. After he gave Louise a black Vail brides t which was to big and we all got dressed we went to his room we all got permission and junk so we decided to watch some movies before the power gos out like it dose every time we have a storm. Louise only talked once and a while if she wasn't talking she was drawing or watching the movies. It was time for us to sleep considering half of us wore already passed out Carson and I where the ones awake and Duncan was offly close to Carson but I didn't feel like saying anything I knew Cars on was gay but Duncan's just a weird dude me and Carson talked threw out half the night but I passed out.

Well shit geuss louise was loosing to huh? Logans pretty much a dick now and she's hurting well both of them are I decided to make this chapter both funny,sweet and a little sad . what's going to happen next? Well idk I'm planning Shit though. Hope you like how its going so far I wont be able to update for a while I'm visiting family, I might update before my trip but idk

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