Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:Uncontrollable Laughter

"I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not laughing." -Dr. Madan Kataria


As soon as my eyes fluttered open, I scowled. My back hurt; the mattress that lays atop the bed felt like a rock under my fragile body.

Grunting, I sat up on the itchy bed, I turned to look for Ace, but as soon as I saw him-I stifled a laugh.

Ace was sprawled out on the small couch, his feet and half of his calves were hanging off the edge of the couch. The rest of his body struggled to stay on the tiny piece of furniture.

I couldn't manage to hide all my laughter-resulting in Ace's eyes to slowly open. A look of tiredness took over his face. As Ace attempted to get up from the couch, he ended up falling off the couch, landing on his side not so gracefully.

By this point I had been full on laughing. Tears were lining my eyes, my face bright red-holding my stomach gasping for air. I had ended up on the ground too moments later.

Ace looked in my direction, sending a piercing glare my way. After a while my laughter died down, and I wiped the tears away from my eyes with the sides of my index fingers.

Sometime during my laughing fit, Ace has sat up with his back against the couch. He sighed placing his hands against the floor next to his legs-pushing himself off the ground.

After digging through the cabinets for about five minutes, Ace pulled out a pen and paper. Laying them on the table, he sketched out a map.

Once he was done, he let me see what he had drawn. It looked as if it was a map of many different streets. A city maybe.

He began talking and pointing to the different streets. "So, I believe that this route is probably the safest and will get you back to your house faster. Since we are in a small town, not many people would know or have heard about you. If I know correctly, you are probably on the news, with the police looking for you. They most likely wont have any evidence of why you went missing, so I believe everything will go as planned if you do as you are told. As long as you tell them you ran away, it's as simple as that."

I listened silently, not bothering to respond. I sent him a nod, and he began speaking again,"Okay, cool. You will go home and I will go back to my life. We will part ways, and everything can go back to normal."

Smiling, I said okay. "Well alright, go to the bathroom. As soon as your done, we can get ready to leave. We still have a ways to go before we get you back to your house," he told me, letting out a yawn.

I got up, and headed towards the bathroom. After I did my business, I washed my hands and looked into the mirror. I have been wearing the same thing for the past two days. My hair looked messy and my face gave off a tired expression. I sighed, as I left the bathroom.

Ace was waiting by the door for me to get out. He quickly went as well, after he finished-he grabbed the room key and we left; locking it behind us. We walked down the hall, giving Willy the key once we reached the front room.

Willy and Ace exchanged the man nod thing, and we began to head towards the door. Before we stepped out of Willy's Inn, I waved goodbye to Willy assuming that this would be the last time we would meet.

He returned it with a big smile.


Okay so I know that this chapter is pretty short but this was where I wanted to end it.

I'm planning on updating every Saturday, but since this chapter was so short-I thought I might update a little early in addition to updating on Saturday.

Well on that note, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Tell me your thoughts on this chapter, or my book as a whole.

I have everything already planned, but I have to fill in the little details. Stay tuned because if this book goes as planned, it might turn into something that I might truly be proud of(:

Just so you guys know, I made this book to be something that is more on serious level, not a comedy. So, if you were hear for a comedy-you might not be very humored.

This book is suppose to have a serious feel to it, where a guy goes through a life changing process. Where his life seems to be falling apart, but with persistence you can overpass anything.

Please don't give up on my book too soon. I am still very new to 'writing' so please try to ignore all of my incorrect grammar.

Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day,


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