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He stood there, surrounded by the night, the cool breeze flowing through his hair and under his hospital gown. His bloody bandages and IV drip became a distant memory as he gazed out over the city he loved, the city that was his homeland.


He didn't flinch at the sudden outburst behind him, only shouting over his shoulder at the out-of-breath graying detective. "Hello Detective Castro."

Detective Castro in his well-pressed brown suit holstered his side-arm and stared at the half-naked patient, who stood on the edge of the rooftop.

"Mr. Rodriguez, what are you doing up here?"

"Just admiring the view." He stood motionless as the detective approached from behind. "God I love this city."

"Mr. Rodriguez, I need you to step down from there. Mr. Rodriguez..." The Santa Ana winds echoed in the night, calling out like a Siren's song. "Noah... son... why don't you step down from there."

He looked over his shoulder with a sly smile, "Don't worry Detective, I'm not going to do anything stupid. If anything those stupid self-destructive days are over, thanks to..."

"Noah, I know you've been through a lot."

"Have you ever loved someone Detective?"

"Come on son, why don't you step down from there?"

"Have you ever loved someone that you trusted, and thought they always knew what was best for you?"

The Detective paused for a moment, debating if rushing him was his best option, but wondering if he might only injure himself after everything he'd seen. "Actually yes."

"Really?" Noah turned around. "What was her name?"


"Where did you two meet?"

"In college."

"Come on Detective, you gonna make me play 20 questions? How'd you meet her?"

Castro sighed as the Santa Ana winds blew in his ear, reminding him ever so slightly of Carmen's whispers. "She was an administrator at the Academy. She was older than me, but she could tell right away I was attracted to her."

"I've never had a Spring-Autumn romance. It must have been quite exciting to sneak around under everybody's nose."

"It was... until we got caught. She lashed out at me, and blamed me for her entire life falling apart."

"I'm sorry." Noah looked down for a moment as police sirens whaled in the distance, trying to muster the courage to admit what was now over. "Maybe you understand then. I thought Violet was my soul mate; the woman who could complete me, and make me strong. But that's just a lie that movies and Miley Cyrus songs feed us. You have to find the strength in yourself first, even if it means losing everything you have, and dying in the process."

Castro stared at the half-naked man as he still stood on the building ledge. "Son, why don't you come down from there?"

Noah paused for a moment, "You know one thing comes after losing everything and dying." Castro braced himself, about to run and grab the young man, and then, as if pushed by the wind, Noah stepped down from the ledge. He looked the Detective in the eyes, "Resurrection."

As Noah walked towards the light, Castro said, "Come on, let's get you back to bed."

"Don't touch me." Noah's eyes started to glow again with energy, and Castro felt his hair stand on end, as the electrical current sizzled between Noah's fingertips. Noah calmed down and the illuminated current dissipated. "You see this? You see what I can do? You saw what happened at Fox Hills, you know I'm one of the good guys." Noah looked into the old man's eyes, pleading with him to understand.

Castro stared him down, now bracing to run away from rather than run towards, "I don't know what I know."

Two uniformed officers rushed up the stairwell, and stop, waiting for Castro's cue. Noah turned to the Detective, and with overwhelming joy and enlightenment filling him, stated, "I know what I need to do now Detective." He stepped closer, tears slowly rolling down his face. "This city needs more than a man. This city needs an idea. An idea that the young and the helpless won't fall prey to the manipulative and the corrupt. An idea that opportunity is still out there for those who work hard to get it. An idea that no matter what may have happened to you, that you're strong enough to overcome it-- to overcome anything! An idea that whatever your personal demons are, that an idea can move mountains. And ideas are bulletproof."

Noah turns back towards the stairwell, and the two uniformed officers flanked him to make sure he can't get away. Castro shaken in a way he's never felt before, shouted after him, "What did you see up there... when the storm hit you?"

Noah looked the Detective in the eye and simply remarked, "A second chance." And allowed himself to be escorted back to his hospital room.

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