Help!! I've been tagged!

43 1 10

So i was tagged by BrightnessWings19
To answer these question and tag 15 more people. So, if you were interested at all.

Here it is.

Favourite Song:

Tough one. My favourite song tends to change a lot, but right now the songs currently stuck in my head are 'Ashes' by Nathan Sharp
'Nightmare' by Set it Off
And 'Death of A Bachelor' by P!aTD

Favourite Sport
Can we skip this one?


No? Okay..

Umm.... swimming? I guess?

Favourite Band
Panic at The Disco
Idk. They're the only ones that come to mind.

Favourite Show
Why are all of these so hard?

...there are a few actually.
Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Doctor Who, The Flash, and Adventure Time.

Favourite Movie
So again, there are a few
The Harry Potter Franchise (out of those, probably Order of The Phoenix)

Interstellar (probably the most confusing, yet beautiful movie ever)

Avengers (what can i say? Im a comic book geek)

Big Hero Six (as a thirteen year old, it spoke volumes to me)

Favourite Color
Green and Purple.

Favourite Food:
Mashed Potato.

idk why. But it feels so good..

Favourite Drink
Mango juice. Its just the right amount of sweet.

Favourite Video Game
Oh.. where do i begin?
First theres Kingdom Hearts (which was the first RPG that i really got into)
Then Sonic Generations (gotta go fast)
Theres also Undertale (which made me laugh, cry, scream and smile)
Last but not least theres Team Fortress 2 (which i still love, despite the MyM update)

Am i done?


Good! Now for my victims!





.. i just realized i dont know many people on this site...

Oh well, see ya suckers!

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