Just the beginning

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My name is Lola kit and on October 31st....I was kidnapped.

I was walking home from a friends when he took me. He covered my mouth and suddenly everything was like the night...cold, black, and nothing.

Let me take you back to when I was just like you. A normal 16 year old girl living with her parents...or well mother. I was at home on July 14, a normal day sitting in my room reading and listening to the soft music play on my phone. I got a call from a friend telling me about this party at a seniors house that night. She was telling me about the event with such excitement she didn't even take a breathe. Not until I told her no. Party's aren't, weren't my thing but she insisted I go. I got ready with low confidence and was told to wear my little black dress and heels. I put on my makeup an waited until I heard a car horn from outside. I walked to her car and we drove to the house that would change my life.

"Lola!" I hear marina scream over the music. I turn to see her with a man obviously older but attractive. "Yes?" I speak up and look towards the man and the guys behind him. "This is luke" she smiles and points to the handsome blonde with the piercing blue eyes. "Hello Luke, I'm Lola" I speak and smile softly as he grabs my hand and kisses my cheek. "You are the perfect doll Lola" he speaks with a rough voice. A few minutes into talking with him and his friends he turns to me. "I do apologize but it's time for this night to end for me" he smiled "it was a pleasure meeting you love" he says. I nod and hug him goodbye as the party begins to end and my mind begins to fog. "Marina I think it's time to go" I speak to her as she looks up and nods.

After getting home and washing the makeup from my pale drunken face I lay in my bed and think of the night. I met a boy...no not a boy, a man. I smile at the thought of Luke..I remember his smell, his laugh, and those eyes. I close my eyes and think back to the things we talked about. Books, artists, and many other things. he was perfect, Or at least in my mind at the time. I drift off into deep sleep as the night slowly gets quiet.

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