{Bonus Chapter #4} Praise Kink

Start from the beginning

The training exercise for today was actually fucking hard, which helped Gabe take his mind off of things (a.k.a. Alec). He wipes the sweat off his brow, sighing in relief once he got passed all the obstacles that were set up.

He sighed, lifting up his shirt to wipe his face. At least he won't have to worry about embarrassing himself anymore-

He freezes as he sees a familiar, small figure come up to him.

"Good job!" Alec grins, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks, face flushing from all of the excitement.

Gabe stares, not sure what to do. Then he realizes - face turning bright red as Alec still continues to smile at him - his entire body is being lit on fire right now. Fuck.

• • • •

Okay, so Gabe Fisher never realized how fucking weird he is. Despite the fact how he acted in class earlier - face red and stammering as Alec threw compliments at him, stabbing his heart slowly without knowing - he thinks he can handle it now.

Though, he doubts it when Alec does it again, saying how right he is and good job on their homework scattered in front of them on the floor in their dorm. Gabe tries not to choke as he mutters a thanks, avoiding Alec's confused gaze.

It happens again the next day. When Gabe sees Alec tripping over his own feet and he quickly wraps his arms around his waist, holding him upright.

Alec sighs in relief, despite the shock clearly shown in his eyes. "Thank you, Gabe. You just saved my life. You're the greatest friend ever, y'know that?"

Gabe freezes, blood rushing to his face and he nods quickly, realizing his arms are still around his best friend. He lets him go, staring at the bright smile and long eyelashes. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

• • • •

It happens once again. Except this time Gabe isn't even awake for it. He's fucking dreaming about it. All he remembers is Alec's blushing face, his half-lidded blue eyes staring up at him as he mutters compliments and his name, saying how good he is and how he's amazing.

And Gabe tries not to vomit from the shock of it as he frowns, feeling guilty for the mess in his pants. I'm the worst fucking friend ever.

• • • •

Before he knows it, it happens again. Not the wet dreams - well those also happen again but he rather not remember it right now - but the complimenting.

Gabe finds himself on his bed, Alec beside him as they study for their upcoming math test. He tries not to stare at him, but his green eyes are constantly landing on Alec and he secretly wants to punch himself in the he face.

He clears his throat, sliding over his notes to Alec and trying to look anywhere but him. "Is this right?"

Alec looks down at the paper, curly black hair falling over his forehead in silky strands and Gabe tries his best not to reach out and fucking run his fingers through them.

He looks up, bright blue eyes staring up at Gabe with admiration. "Yeah, it is. Good job."

Gabe freezes. Alec continues to look at his own notes, lips pursing as he tries to understand something. Then he looks up, eyes widening with realization.

"I forgot to tell you," he exclaims, a smiling forming on his lips, "you were amazing today out in the training room. You beat Mr. Darley so fast, I was so impressed. You should've seen his face too-"

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