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Bunzai went to sleep like any normal day, her belly was full from a meal.  Rumors that the river was getting high didn't stop Bunzai from wanting a good nights sleep in the warren of Bonkersly.

Bunzai barely got her eyes closed when she could hear the rushing waves crush through the tunnels.  She tried to hold her breath and perhaps swim to safety, but soon she found herself immersed and under water.  She passed out.

The next morning, Bunzai could feel the warmth of the sun as it dried her off.  She was still a bit wet from the waves.  Bunzai looked around and saw fields all around her and some woods not far off.  She realized not to stay in the opening too long and hopped to the woods.  She didn't recognize these fields nor the forest she approached.

Bunzai gathered some berries and had her fill for breakfast.  She searched for a defensible grove of trees and found it.  Just in case she needed a place to return to.  She set out looking for home and her fellow buns.  She knew she would need Lunelle and Tump if she were to search for Bonkersly. 

Bunzai listened intently and heard calling in the distance and hippity hopped towards the voice... she could swear it was Tump.  She saw Tump before he saw her and he even called out her name in hopes she would hear.  He was trapped under a large branch with extra debris from the flood.

Bunzai knew that Tump needed to be quiet or he might attract unwanted visitors.  She quickly closed on his position and wanted to swat at him to be quiet.  He saw her and rejoiced that she had arrived to rescue him.

Bunzai told Tump to be quiet and then failed to lift the branch from him.  Bunzai got an idea about using another branch to aid in the lift.  She found one, wedged it under the heavier branch.  Bunzai then ran and did a summersault followed by a spinning flip and landed on the smaller branch.  The leap was amazing and the bigger branch flipped off from Tump.  Tump hopped up and hugged Bunzai thanking her.

Bunzai and Tump talked and Tump mentioned that they were far south from Bonkersly.  They agreed that they must find Lunelle.  Tump gathered his herbs and roots and they ventured on.

Bunzai and Tump scampered through the woods and eventually, Tump noticed an owl in a tree not far from their position.  Tump was eager to approach and ask for directions and possibly help.  Bunzai was a little more suspicious, so she hid amazingly to prevent the owl from noticing her but she told Tump she would protect him.

Tump approached the owl and at first Bunzai didn't notice anything peculiar.  As Tump talked to the owl, Bunzai got suspicious.  Tump asked the owl if she knew where Bonkersly was or if the owl had seen Lunelle. The owl started to fly down towards Tump.  Bunzai reacted out of instinct and intercepted the owl as it descended.   Bunzai flew through the air with a spinning kick and contacted the owl in the beak.  The owl went flying off course and landed on its side away from Tump.  The owl gasped for air trying to say something to Tump, asking if this was perhaps Lunnell?  Before the owl could stand Bunzai lept to pin the owl and maintain her advantage. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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