Chapter Thirteen

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(Vampires mansion in the picture)

Snow's P.O.V.

Once I got to the vampire land. I was escorted to the vampire prince. Even though the vampires that were escorting me didn't grab me to make sure I wouldn't cause trouble, that didn't stop them from walking very close to me. To close for my liking if I'm gonna be 100% honest with you.

After about 15 minutes of walking, we finally see the mansion in sight. This mansion was fucking huge. Let me tell you about it. Like oh my god. How do these people afford this. Anyways, when we got up to the front door. The doors opened on their own and standing in the door way was the king, queen, and the prince. I bowed my head lightly to show I didn't mean harm. They smiled and lead me in, we walked into the Kings office, the prince stood by the desk while his father sat behind the desk and the Queen sat on the couch on the other side of the room with her feet on it and started reading a book.

Only Royal vampires are the true blood line. These vampires are the ones who haven't been turned. The ones who go back centuries, they are the first born vampires. The oldest ones. They have many different powers, which include : mind reading, speed, strength, some magic, teleportation, and also shape shifting into bats, rats, cats, and small wolves. Because they are the oldest vampires in the world. They can live till they are 3,000 years old. A turned vampire only lives about 1,000 years. While they may seem sweet and nice, the oldest vampires are able to get into your mind and make you do things you wish you wouldn't do and have no control over it. They are very dangerous creatures of the moon goddess.

Anyways, I sat down in the chair facing the desk and we got down to business. I told them who I am, why I'm here and what I need from this visit. At first the vampires seemed shock to why their child is the one picked for this war, they came around and allowed him to fight. And afforded some of their best fighters as well. I thanked them and said my goodbyes and vanished from thin air back to my little house.

If your wondering why I didn't just appear from thin air into the vampire mansion is because, if I just appeared they would have their guards grab me and take me to the cells and then beat me and question me. So I have to walk to the land until they are comfortable with me in their land. Maybe 2 more visit they will allow me to just pop into their house.

I wouldn't count on it however. Vampires like privacy and are always alert no matter when. You also should never wake a vampire up from their sleep. It is one of the most dangerous things anyone can do. If you wake a vampire from their sleep, no matter who you are, they awake with bright red eyes, fangs out while your pinned to a wall by your neck.

As I walk into my house I slip out of my uniform and go to my room and slip on a pair of shorts and a tank top for bed. After I'm dressed and I have on my slippers, I make my way to the kitchen and make myself some dinner. Which includes grilled chicken, asparagus and rolls with a glass of wine. I sit in the living room eating my dinner and watching tv.

After an hour of watching tv I grab my dishes and wash them up in the sink and then go to bed. Laying down on my bed I finally allow the darkness to consume my brain.

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