Zimbits Drabble #1

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Ship: Zimbits


Tumblr Prompt #6: Tater is quickly becoming one of Jacks bff on team and after a nasty loss, tater and shitty both do their thing to cheer him up. Jack never had a chance between these two.



My apologies if the way I had Tater butchering the English language is bad, I did my best.


Heartbreaking. That's how Jack would describe the loss they just had.

4-3, in the last game of the season. A win would've catapulted them into the playoffs in Jack's first season. And they had a chance; Jack had the puck and a decent shot on goal with just 5 seconds left. And he missed. He failed. Never mind that the goalie made a great diving save, never mind that Jack had made two goals in the third period to even get them in a position to tie.

Jack dejectedly trudges into the locker room, ready to tear his gear off and get back to his apartment as quickly as possible.

"Cheer up Zimmboni!" Tater says, sounding way too enthusiastic for the way that game just ended. "So game was lost. Is always season next." he adds, throwing one of his long, gangly arms around Jack.

"Thanks Tater," Jack murmurs, staggering slightly under Tater's weight.

"I come by apartment later, right?" Tater asks.

"I really don't know," Jack says. Bitty and Shitty will be there, and he's not sure he can take much more than that, not after a loss like this.

"I'm promise I be quieter," Tater replies. "Please, I don't want miss Bitty pie."

Jack sighs. He's going to be getting a lot of Tater tonight anyway, either by texting or by having him over. And ignoring Tater's texts will be easier, but he's trying to be a good friend, and he can recognize that Tater just wants to cheer him up. He also knows that if it gets to be too much, Tater will understand and leave if he asks.

"Okay," he says, giving in to Tater's pleading.

"Great! I'm be there when done here," Tater beams.


Jack is greeted at the door of his apartment with a bear hug from a half-naked Shitty.

"Jack Laurent Zimmermann, you beautiful adonis, you played a fucking amazing game," Shitty says, wrapping his legs around Jack's waist.

"Thanks Shits," Jack mumbles, pulling Shitty's legs away.

The person he really wants a hug from is standing right behind Shitty. Bitty reaches up and wraps his arms around Jack's middle. Jack squeezes Bitty back, nuzzling his nose into Bitty's hair.

"You played great, sweetheart," Bitty says, rubbing his back slowly.

In the time they're embracing, Tater walking into the apartment, standing next to Shitty.

"Tater, man, it's fucking great to see you," Shitty says, pulling Tater into a bro hug.

"Is been long time," Tater responds loudly, before remembering that he promised to be quieter. "I bring vodka," he adds, bringing his voice volume down.

"God fucking bless," Shitty says, grabbing the bottle from Tater.

"They so cute together," Tater says, watching Jack and Bitty who are still embracing.

"Fuck, I know right?" Shitty replies. "Bitty is so good for Jack. And you're good for him too, though in a different way."

"What that mean?"

"He needs someone who isn't afraid to bug the crap out of him and drag him places, and from what he says, you're pretty fucking good at that."

"Tater just trying to be friendly," he shrugs.

"Well I really fucking appreciate it brah," Shitty smiles. "I'm glad he's got someone to look after him when I can't."

"Thanks," Tater says, ducking his head.

"But just so you know, if you fuck up, I will kill you. Now, who wants some vodka? I need to schwasted after that loss."

Tater follows Shitty deeper into the apartment, smiling at the grin that's starting to form on Jack's face as Bitty breaks away from a short kiss.

From the way Jack talks, no one could ever truly replace Shitty, but Jack deserves to have someone on the Falconers who is always on his side, no matter the circumstances, and Tater is committed to being that person.

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