NurseyDex/Holsom Drabble

90 7 1

Ships: NurseyDex, Holsom


Tumblr Prompt #5: nursey/dex where noone believes they're in a relationship


When Dex finally kisses Nursey and the two of them start dating, they make a choice. Rather than flat out tell everyone, they just won't make an effort to hide, and let everyone figure it out for themselves.

That turns out to be a huge mistake.

That's because no one actually believes they're dating. Which honestly, isn't a big deal, until Ransom and Holster try to set them up other people for Winter Screw.

"Oh, that's not necessary. Nursey and I are going together," Dex says, the words coming out more easily than he expected them to. "He's my boyfriend."

Ransom laughs. "Yeah, and Holster's mine. Look, if you don't want a date, you can just say so. You're not freshmen anymore, you're not required to be screwed with anyone."

Dex huffs and agrees, rather than getting into it with Ransom over whether Nursey is his boyfriend or not. He figures it's just an isolated incident.


Dex is with Chowder and Nursey at the Haus, hanging out in Chowder's room, when Chowder brings up their usual Wednesday study night.

"Oh, I'm sorry Chowder, I have a date with my boyfriend so I'm going to have to miss it," Dex says, smiling at Nursey.

"It's okay Dex, I know you're only hanging out with Nursey. That's cool," Chowder says, laughing.

"Listen," Dex says, turning red and grabbing Nursey's hand, "me and my boyfriend are going to go make out or something. Now please stop saying I have no love life, because I clearly do."

"What boyfriend?" Nursey says smirking. "I'm pretty sure you don't have one."

Dex glares at Nursey. "My boyfriend better watch his mouth, unless he wants to become my ex-boyfriend."

"I'm sorry babe," Nursey says hurriedly, kissing Dex on the cheek as he leads him out of the room.


A month later, everyone is still taking their relationship for a joke, and Dex is livid. He's even gathered everyone together to tell them, and they still didn't believe him.

Even now, when Holster has walked in on them kissing each other softly in a hotel room during a roadie, he seems completely unperturbed, chuckling quietly.

"It's great to see you two finally acting like normal d-men," he says.

"Oh my god," Dex groans. "Since when did kissing become 'normal d-men behavior'?"

"Me and Holtzy do that all the time," Ransom shrugs, walking into the room and pecking Holster on the cheek.

Dex is beyond annoyed, but he's not surprised, since it's been clear to him since day one that Ransom and Holster have constantly blurred the lines between friendly affection and full-on romantic affection.

"What the fuck?! Nursey and I are actually dating!" Dex shouts. Maybe if he's loud enough, he'll penetrate those boys' thick skulls.

Holster looks at them for a long moment. "Wait, you're not kidding, are you?"

"No, we're not," Nursey says, shaking his head.

"We do all the things you guys do, except we're actually dating," Dex adds with a bit of venom, considering Ransom and Holster are entirely the reason any of this even happened to them.

"Does that mean..." Ransom says, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Are we like, actually in a romantic relationship bro?" Holster asks, finishing Ransom's thought for him.

"I think we might be bro," Ransom answers quietly.

"I'm definitely romantically attracted to you dude," Holster offers.

"Same and I–I might be a little homo too? I um, I might have jerked off to thoughts of you."

"Yo bro, definitely same, like–every time I ever said 'no homo,' I was definitely lying."

There's a long second where Ransom and Holster stare at each other, before they're passionately make out. By Dex's best estimation, they're probably about thirty seconds from fucking on their hotel room floor, so Dex grabs Nursey's hand and hightails it out of there.

Nursey is laughing. "Who knew that we would be the ones to make Ransom and Holster finally get together?"

"I didn't even realize they weren't together," Dex shrugs. "I always just assumed they were."

"Well, at least now everyone will believe us when we say we're dating."

"Thank god."

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