Chapter 1

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Song: Ciara promise
This is probably one of my favorite music videos. Enjoy 😩

     Ah here we go again. School. Senior year is suppose to be exciting for everyone right? Well not me. It's just the same boring stuff. The same boring hallways, same gossip, even the same teachers. Trust me, nothing about Garfield high school is original. Garfield is the same damn school as any other school.

I walk to the end of the world history hallway until I find room 219. I felt a light tap on my shoulder making me turn around. Standing in front of me was a beautiful brown skins girl with long curly hair going down her back.

"Hi" she beam, looking up at her. I return a small smile and shook her tiny hand. "I'm Laila and I'm running for class president and I was wondering if I could have your vote?" The last part of her sentence came out as a whisper. She is too cute.

"And if I vote for you what will I get in return?" I teas her, lifting one of my eyebrows.

She straighten her back, looking up at me with determination written on her face. "I can tell you are joking with me, put this nothing to joke about. We're talking about my future here. So are you gonna vote for me or not?" She ask, more like demanded.

I smirk at her, "I'll think about it" I turn on my heel and entered the classroom. This girl is really fun to mess with. Maybe she'll be the one person I talk to this year, maybe.

I heard her mumble under her breath and enter the classroom behind me.

"Okay crazy kids the bell has rung" my world history teacher Mr. Young shouted over the noise.

I never saw him before, he must be a new teacher. He was a short white male that really did look young. If it wasn't for his bald spot, I would say he was in his early thirties.

"Class now it's time for everyone's favorite" please don't say it. "Assigned seats!" He yelled that way too joyful.

He place the seating chart under the doc cam and I heard people groan while I gather my stuff. I went up to the seating chart and smile when I saw who I was sitting by. The one and only Laila.

I pace across the room to the back and plop my happy self onto the chair. When Laila saw me she roll her eyes. This should be an interesting year.

"So like are you new here?" I shook my head. "You sure?" I nodded my head, while I watch her take out her notebook.

"Okay everybody, it's time for the first project of the year" Mr. Young spoke silencing the class. "You are gonna spend time with the person sitting next to you and write a biography about them"

I look at Laila and she was already looking at me. I know I've said this before, but damn this girl was beautiful. Like truly beautiful in a natural way.

"My house or yours?" She snap my out of my thoughts.

"Mine" I simply said.

Who knew that one word would start this crazy roller coaster you are about to whiteness.


a/n: I know kind of boring. Bear with me guys!

Question: what is your favorite movie? Mine is love and basketball. If you haven't watch it yet, you are missing out!!

Vote/ comment people!! Don't forget to ask me questions too.

   Serenity ❤️

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