Chapter 8 - Happy Friendship Day!!

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After sometime everyone decided to call it the end of the day and we all headed to our homes. I was like super happy. Firstly, I got rid from these irritating people and secondly Nial wae again dropping me home.

Ride was smooth and after biding him bye, I moved to my room and threw all the bags and lay down with my belly side on my bed.

"Gosh, Tired!!", I whined to no one else, just to me.

I somehow managed to get changed and have dinner. It was really difficult to stop Kian from attacking his gifts. I'll give him tomorrow on friendship day, not now.

After every single energy wiped off from my body, I called it a night and just drifted to sleep.


Next morning, I quickly packed all the gifts and got ready. I picked out Kian's gift and moved to the backside of my home. Julian live there in a small house, allotted to her.

I knocked the door and Kian opened the door.

"Happy friendship day champ", I said showing him his gift and he started jumping in joy.

I gave him the gift and he pecked on my cheeks and ran inside the house informing Julian about the gift.

He was very happy seeing his car and I was happy because he's happy. I can do anything for his smile. I had my breakfast with them and then moved to Cali's house. I messaged Jason to join me over there.

Once reached I carried my bags and rang the door bell. Mrs. Taylor opened the gate and I wished her.

"Good morning Jamie", I said.

"Good morning Cole. What a lovely surprise. Come inside", she spoke in her elegant way. But her voice contains that motherly feel that it would just touch your heart.

I moved to Cali's room and hugged her straightway.

"Happy friendship day, Bff ", she said.

"You too", I said.

I gave her the gifts and tied the band on her wrist. She too gave me mine.

"Hope you guys didn't forgot me?", Jason came into sight.

"We actually do", Cali said.

"Happy friendship day to you too", he said sarcastically and I passed him his gifts. We exchanged bands and moved out of the house.

Everything was so good and simple. No problem, no difficulty, no complications. Just, a normal day.

We hang out together, on the streets of Manhattan. Jason cracked some stupid jokes and we just brust out in laughter and people passing by were giving us looks as if saying 'You're crazy'.

But this is the best part though. We're real with friends, no cover, just real we, our true selves. At coffee shop also, our stupidity didn't end. We kept on commenting on every passing boy and girl rating them as per their looks. So, the manager ask us to get out.

Okie, we're wierd sometimes...

After a great day, I make a way to my home. I wanted to meet Nial also, wanted to wish him but just couldn't find that strength.

I parked my car and humming entered the home. I moved directly to my room but gasp in surprise seeing the unwanted guest sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing here, Nial?", I asked.

"Happy Friendship day to you too", he replied sarcastically.

"Same to you", I replied awkwardly.

"I thought you forgot to wish me, so I decided to pay a visit by myself", he said.

"No, I didn't forgot. I thought you must be busy, that's it", I replied.

"Really. I thought we're friends. Why do you think so much? ", he said.

"We are. I'm sorry.", I replied but he just pouted.

"Hey, c'mon", I hit his arm lightly.

"Ok, fine", he replied.

He turned and gave me my gift and tied the band over my wrist, which already was having three bands.

"Thanks", I replied.

"Can I ask you something?", He asked.

"Yeah why not?", I replied.

"When were you planning to show me this?", He said picking up my sketchbook from my table which had his sketches.

Okie, I'm caught!!

"Nial, it's really not a nice thing to check someone's personal book", I replied.

"And is it counted under good manners to hid them from the person for whom you've made it?", He back questioned.

"I was planning to show you but was just unsure how would you react!! So..", I trailed off shrugging my shoulder.

"These are amazing Cole, thank you", he came near me and hugged me. My whole body froze at his touch.

I calmed my thumping heart and I passed him a smile. I gave him his friendship band but dropped the idea of giving the teddy bear now.

We talked after that, on every single topic one can have. He had dinner at my place only and Julian and Kian were totally impressed by him which gives me immense happiness.

Although, It's quite odd that how in a mere two days he became so friendly to me. From past one year he's so aloof and now all of a sudden we're like friends forever.

But because he himself said that he wanted a chance so, I'm all ready to give him that one chance. I want a love story for myself with Nial.

After dropping him to his car, I came back to my room and glanced at the bag which was having those teddy bear saying 'I Love You'. As soon as I opened it, I found the letter and a band.

Lone boy!

I'll surely talk to him at college. He have to stay away from me. If he wanted to live peacefully.

I mentally make a note to search for him tomorrow and slept.


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