The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty

Start from the beginning

      “What are we going to go; it doesn’t seem to be working?” I heard Faith say sounding a little distraught.

     “Patience my love, patience. It’s going to take time; he’s not going to heal instantly. We have cleaned off all the Wolfsbane, so hopefully that should speed up the process but all we can do now is wait.” Antonio replied.

I laid there puzzled by his words, he what he? Then suddenly it hit me, they were talking about Luca. I sniffed the air but I couldn’t pick up his scent, which panicked me greatly. Why couldn’t I pick up his scent? Was I going to lose him forever? I sniffed there air once more but all I pick up, other than Faith and Antonio, was the faint trace of Tyler but he was nowhere to be seen. I watched as Faith rose to her feet and Antonio lifted Luca’s limp body from the ground. As they turned around almost facing me, my heart felt as though it had stopped beating. An almost silent whine left my lips, my wolf and I sharing our pain and heartache. It was unbearable seeing him like this, I wished that I could take all his pain away and hold him close to me. A single tear ran down from eye and into my fur. I had seen enough and couldn’t take anymore. Just as I was beginning to shuffle away I heard another voice approach. Suddenly Lucia came storming through the trees with Tyler hot on her heels. He was carrying the rogue in his arms; she looked just as annoyed as Lucia. Curiosity got the better of me, so I stayed to watch everything unfold before me.

    “Lucia what the hell is the matter with you?” Tyler demanded still clinging onto the rogue.

     “Nothing!” she spat back. “I just thought you said you were leaving that behind.” She said her voice full of venom.

She seemed almost jealous but of what, I continued to watch them hoping to get some answers.

     “I couldn’t leave her. Luca insisted she came too.” He replied, looking a little pissed off.

Luca wanted here but why? What was going on between them? My heart began to pound once more. Even though our connection had been broken he was still mine, my wolf wanted nothing more than to rip this rogue to shreds.

     “You both of you stop your bitchy for Christ sake.” the rogue finally pitched. “And would you put me down already before your ‘girlfriend’ has a fit.” She continued trying to push herself out of Tyler grip.

He quickly put her down, letting her fall to the ground with thump. I couldn’t help but smile inside a little, seeing the little bitch landing on her arse. She slowly picked herself up and dusted herself off.

     “She is not my girlfriend!” Tyler growled.

I was surprised to see a slight glint of hurt in Lucia’s eyes. Was there something going on between them, was she his mate. I moved a little bit closer to get a better look. There was something there between them a connection sorts but I also sensed and connection between Tyler and the rogue. Despite him dropping her to the floor, there was a flash of concern in his eyes. There was something between the three of them but I couldn’t figure out what.

     “Well she sure is acting jealous acting about you touching me.” the rogue growled back glaring at Lucia.

     “Shut your mouth you disgusting rogue!” Lucia snapped at her taking a step closer.

I watched as they stared each other down, the rogue limped as took a step closer to Lucia. Her eyes full of hatred and her body posture defensive.

     “Don’t you ever call me that again!” the rogue snarled.

Unable to take the tension much more Tyler jumped between them, placing a hand on both of their chests. They all froze, eyes growing wide. The girls eyes glued on Tyler as he look from one to the other. Their bodies all relaxed slightly, as he touched them. This was getting stranger and stranger. Before any of them could say anything Antonio was marching towards them.

     “What the hell is going on here?” he demanded his eyes firmly on the rogue.

     “It’s nothing Antonio, just a misunderstanding.” Tyler said quickly, looking more confused than ever.

     “I wasn’t talking to you!” Antonio growled, still looking at the rogue.

She pushed Tyler’s hand away from her chest, looking somewhat reluctant and turned to face Antonio. They were both growling at each other fiercely. I couldn’t deny that I was impressed by the rogue, for a female so young and small she had balls. Antonio was a little intimidating at the best of times.

    “Both of you stop it now!” a voice of authority filled the air.

They both turned and looked at the source, my heart beating faster than ever. It was the one voice I had longed to hear for what felt like an eternity.

    “Luca!” the rogue said, pushing past Antonio and hobbling towards him. “Are you ok? Are you healing?” she asked examining his injures.

Seeing them so close together angered me, almost sending me close to boiling point. I could see just by looking at them that they cared for each other, that there was a strong connection between them. I could feel a growl growing in my chest. There was only one thought going through my mind right now. Mine!   

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