I luhhhhh youuuu

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I had on white jeans and a black  hoodie and Jordan retro 7s
My squad was chillin

Tre- Bro I need help

Me- wit wht nigga

Tre- askin out Kiara

Me- bruh just come out and ask her

Tre- you rigt thanks nigga

Me- np

Amria- where are the losers

Fade- you calling yourself a loser

Amria- Fuvk you fade

Me- I would fvck you

Kiara- PG-13 plzzz

Kaynn- yes plzzz

Me- whatevva

Amria- aww is da wittle bby mad

Me- Stfu mria

Amria- okay den

Tre- damn man

Fade- where is my bby

Kalen- Here I am

*Kalen Walks over and kissies fade*

Me- Amria


Me-Amria bae


Me- I luhh youuuuuuuu

Amria- I luv you too

I take her by her waist and kiss her

Tre- Naw Nigga u can't take my thing

Kiara- and what's 'your thing'

Tre- I luhhhhh youuuuuu

Kiara- hmmmm

Tre- yep, so uhhh I have a question

Kiara- go head and shoot it

Tre- okay umm would u be my gf

Kiara- Um let me think about it...

Tre-*Face falls*

Kiara- JK Yeahh I'll date you

Tre- Yayyy *clears throat* um I mean ok good

Kiara- You funny

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