Pizza Problem

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Deans P.O.V

We were waiting for the pizza to arrive and were just having a quick game of would you rather, there were some random questions...

(Basically imma use the lads initials to say when they speak and the girls first initial. Eg: DC-Dayl, J-Jess, if you don't get it, comment and I'll try to explain it)

CM- right Dayl would you rather have chocolate flavored poop or poop flavored chocolate?

DC- seriously bruv. First one, coz you ain't gonna eat the poop anyway are you?

G- you lads are just gross.

J- Lou would you rather fly or time travel?

JG- fly, flying wins.

L-not your question gray. And time travel.

JG- hate you.

Josh gave Lou a death stare. We laughed.
'Enough of this then, the pizza should be here soon anyway, shall we get the Xbox out?' Lou asked.
'Yeah sure, we should have a dance of,' Jess laughed. Grace looked a bit scared.
'Grace come help me clear up and set up,' I led her to the kitchen.

Graces P.O.V

I followed Dean into the kitchen. I knew he could tell I was nervous about the dancing.
'What's bothering you babe,' he looked me in the eye. I couldn't lie, he'd know.
'I don't want to. I don't want to embarrass myself and be judged by the others. I can't dance. And my best friend trued teaching me using the game, but she turned out to be a backstabbing bitch, but it was the greatest fun I'd had and it just brings back memories,' I said.
I hated thinking about my past.
'Hey its alright. You really think anyone here can judge you, I mean have you seen them,' he said tryna make me laugh it worked, ' they are not like that, and we would never hurt you, and if you get uncomfortable just go outside and breathe yeah, no one will judge or think any less of you. We all love you,' he said wrapping me in a tight hug. We were rudely interrupted by the doorbell going. I went to answer it. A boy around our age was there holding the pizza.
'Hey gorgeous, how bout you leave with me, coz I can see you deserve more then sitting with them losers, and you seem to have no one, which is surprising for a girl like you,' he smiled winking at me. I rolled my eyes.
'Playing hard to get are we. That sexy,' he came closer. Unopened the door even wider and he saw it as an invitation to come in. Wrong. Dean came out and put is arm around me.
'Back of mate, give us the pizza, there's the money and leave,' he said angrily showing the money into the guys hand.
'You really chose him and those instead of me,' he laughed.
'Yeah, coz your just some fuckboy that will forget my name tomorrow whilst your with some other girl getting wasted. Now leave me, my amazing boyfriend and my best friends alone before I make you regret even saying your first word,' I snapped and slammed the door. Their was a cheer as I turned round.
'You forgot the pizza Grace,' Dayl whined.
'Shut up,' Becca hissed and punched his arm
'What was that for,' he said.
'Shush child,' she said. We laughed.
'Dayl, its cool, he left the pizza and the note,' Dean said coming in through the door. Didn't even realize he went out.
'Sorry about that. Wish you all the well. I should never of pushed you, that's the note. He also left the money,' Dean said.
'Free pizza!' Dayl shouted grabbing the box and running away. Becca sighed.
'Cian go get him,' she ordered. He went to find the kid.

Hey, two updates woo. Hope y'all have a great day. And thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy it. And imma still try my very best to keep my promise. Thanks again. Seeya


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