26. My First Time Being at Fault

Start from the beginning

Right in front of me.

I stood there on Elijah's porch not knowing what to do. My mind screamed at me to rip them apart, but my body had other ideas. Tears formed in my eyes as I bolted.

I crashed onto my bed, shoving a pillow over my face to muffle my cries. I didn't want to cry over Elijah. He was such a jerk.

And here I had thought he loved me. He'd gone behind my back and invited Bianca over so he could "play" with her.

He didn't love me. No, he loved to piss me off.

He wouldn't get away with this. At the back of my mind, I'd known he didn't actually love me which was why I'd wanted him to prove it to me.

I thought he had changed and that maybe he really did love me. I couldn't have been more wrong.

All along, I've been unconsciously falling more and more in love with my sworn enemy. He's shown me a different side to him. But I knew that wasn't the real him.

Elijah was really just a jerk who didn't deserve my tears. So, I sat up, scrubbed my face clear of tears, and jumped out of my bed.

Uriah would know what to do if he were here, but that wasn't an option. I had to do it myself.

A car engine rumbled as a vehicle pulled out of my neighbor's driveway. I couldn't bring myself to look and see if it was Bianca's because I couldn't care less. Right?

My cellphone suddenly buzzed in my pocket and I slipped it out to see who it was from.

That wasn't what it looked like, came the text from Elijah. I rolled my eyes as I punched out an angry response.

Really? Because it looked like you were making out with Bianca.

Not even a second later, he typed back an answer.

We need to talk.


"Ronnie, I can explain-"

I cut him off when he picked up the phone. "Am I just a game to you?"

"What? Oh God, no. I never meant to hurt you, but you made it clear that you couldn't return my feelings. I figured I had to move on before I fell too far," he said.


So it was all my fault.

"Eli...I never meant for this to happen. But you and Bianca? Seriously?"

He sighed. "I thought she'd help me forget you."

I crossed my arms. "Well, did she? Because she seemed to forget her clothes."

"No, she didn't make me forget you. She just made me realize how much more I..."

"You what?" I asked, needing to hear the rest of that sentence.

"I know you don't feel the same way, but I don't think I'll ever be able to forget you, Veronica."

My voice caught when he used my real name. I felt myself blush and my heart start to pound.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "This was all my fault."

"Well, that's a first. I never thought I'd hear you say that you were in the wrong," he said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Don't get used to it."

"So, did you get jealous?" He asked, suddenly. I gasped.


He chuckled. "I'm just kidding...kind of."

I sighed. "Actually, yes I was. I have something to tell you."

"Wait, don't say it."

"What? Why not?"

"Come over my house. Prove it," he said, already knowing what I had been about to admit.


Hey guys! I've also started writing a new story called, "Lucifer's Sons", and I would greatly appreciate it if you could check it out and let me know how it is so far. Thanks :)

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