Bully story 1

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Hi people!!♡☆♡☆♡☆♡
Well I had friends in Playcentre that always stood up for me I loved playcentre it was the best but when I went to primary school I was horrified that I would get hurt or something because I was the first of my friends to leave playcentre, and I dont know what happened after that cause I made a lot of friends and then one of my friends came and I think she was mad I got over her quickly that she decided to make my life miserable she always told fake stuff about me untill everyone hated me she would pretend to be my friend and she would always call me a stick or a twig or a short elf because I was really short for my age then one day we were on the bus and this is when I was like 8 years old she put her bag away and so did I and she said lets go for our morning school jog and we all went outside and ran they decided to run the other way from me and they would always run away from me since then also when I was like 11 maybe her dad had died and I was always nice to her and telling her it would be ok even though she always ran away from me. Halfway through the year she was being really mean so I just went to the playground to play (this is the last year of primary before I went to older people school) and she decided to follow me and she started saying how her dad was dead and mine was'nt so I said well mine may not be dead but I have'nt seen him since as long as I can remember and she keept saying well at least yours is'nt dead so I walked away and later she told two guys and they came up to me and said "why were u talking about her dad rudely" so as u can tell I got really confused at what they meant so I said what abd left, the next day I got called to the princeibles office and he said "Do u know why your here" and I said no because I didnt, he said "well ur here because i got a phone call from (cant mention) mum she said that (cant mention) came home yesterday crying becasuse u were saying rude things about her dad dying and I got real angry that she lied to her mum and the princeible so I told him what actually happened and she had to apologise for lying to her mum and thst she had to call her to tell her that none of that stuff (cant mention) said was true and that was that day. When I went to older kids school (Verdon) I thought everything would be okay but the person I kinda thought was nice came and I thought it would be fun but I was wrong the new friends I made were so nice but she stole them from me by telling them lies from our old school I kept coming home crying but no one noticed she made new friends and my old friends became my friends again but then (cant mention) from last year that dad had died started going on the bus and she kept kicking me when I would go past her and she would call me ugly and stuff 1 year later when I was a year 8 and I was 12 this guy kept calling me rude names like h** and wh*** and sl** and bi*** and stuff like that I thought about cutting but never did. He's in my year 8 class though so he keeps saying it to my face over and over again and im sick of it I tried to tell the teacher the year before but she said stop telling lies I know it was you bullying them not the other way round so it carried on. The girl on my bus keeps punching me, hitting me in the face with her ball,taking my phone and tripping me up and I do think about suicide but I wanna get it solved and I want answers 1 from the guy who keeps saying I should leave cause I keep causing drama and 2 from the bullies on my bus and from the people who tell me that if I looked in a mirror it would crack or from the people who say I was a mistake and from the people who keep saying "were you born on the road cause thats where most accidents happen".

Well thats my story sorry if its long but I have been bullied since I was 5 and I still am and im 12 1/2 now so Goodluck to everyone whos getting bullied it may get better and if u guys comment and say "its ok we wont tell everyone your name" I will tell you my name!!!♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆

People followed me around school last time I told people but no one cates about how I feel so...

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