T E M P T E D {Ch 12 - Hooligans, Heroes and Hearsay}

Start from the beginning

"Okay, kid, calm down. I just want to make sure that you're safe."

Ugh, guilt trip. "Thanks, bro," I said reluctantly.

He smiled and leant his head onto his forearms. "No worries, little sis. It's what I'm here for."

I turned off the light and hopped into my uncomfortable bed. I wondered what he would think when he found out that I'd been asked out tonight... and that I didn't really know Ferris at all.

** **

I woke up the next morning feeling much better, even though the reason I had woken up was because my alarm had gone off... at six am.

"Turn that damn thing off! My head's gonna 'splode!" Rhyley moaned from the floor.

I picked up the little clock and threw it at him, smiling as it made a thudding sound against his back and continued to ring loudly. "You're the idiot who set it!"

He ripped his blanket off his face and snapped the alarm off. He glared up at me blearily. "I didn't know at the time that I'd be sleeping here. And then I forgot. Is there a chance that you'll be going back to sleep now?" he asked hopefully.

"Nope," I said with a grin. "Once I'm awake there's no going back. And you've got no one to blame but yourself."

"I can blame you if I want," he mumbled, only just audible.

I rolled off my bed, pushing myself a little so that I landed right next to him. "Wake up, bruvvah, it's the weekend!" I slapped his cheek lightly.

"Weekends are for sleeping in," he groaned and rolled to face the other way.

"Weekends are for fun!"

He farted. "That's what I say to your weekend."

It was silent for a moment.

He did not just. "Ahh! You are so gross!" I kicked him away so that he slid across the floor and hit the wall. He didn't seem to care though, his body shaking beneath the blanket. I scrambled up and ran into the bathroom. "I'm not getting out until the toxic air has gone."

"SMELL IT, SIS!" he called out between laughter.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" I yelled through the door. "I HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR OWN STINK!"

"It's gone. I'm awake now, and I'm pissed off. What do you want to do? There's nothing to do this early."

I peeked out the door, failing to suppress an evil smirk. "Wanna go wake up the twins?"

** **

After changing from the clothes I'd worn to bed last night to my only pair of dark navy straight leg jeans and a plain black singlet, I snuck with Rhy out into the car park. The sky was a grim grey-blue, the sun only just reaching over the horizon. I bit back a chuckle as we hid behind cars and ducked behind bushes, even though the twins were probably asleep and wouldn't see us. As we got closer, Rhy handed me the spare car key.

"No, you do it," I whispered.

He shook his head. "You're smaller and therefore won't move the car as much when you get in."

"You don't have to get in. Just put the clock in the front seat."

"Ah, fine. You wait here." He took the key back and crept over to the car, opening the driver's side door with a soft click. He placed the alarm on the floor near the pedals and gently shut the door, sneaking back to me. We stealthily moved a small distance away and sat on the ground in wait for the alarm to go.

"They're gonna kill us," Rhy said, held back laughter in his voice.

"Oh, I know."

We waited for a moment longer and then...

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