Now it is time for NUMERO SEVEN!

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Hello pretties! I must say I'm proud of myself for finding a way to end my long writing ways. I know that deep down, no matter what, I will want to write 5 pages worth of rambling, but know I can subconsciously tell myself to stop writing, sort of..... I can't believe that I'm still writing! At this point I thought that I would have given up on my art book dreams! Woooo go to school kids!!!

So like I was saying from the beginning, or trying/thinking to say, I apologize if this next piece offends anyone? It's sort of creepy but I have a reasonable explanation.

SO, you know I was sitting at my desk finishing a request like, good job Andrea you are such a productive golden child, that all parents would be glad to have, when an idea popped in my head! I love polar bears

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SO, you know I was sitting at my desk finishing a request like, good job Andrea you are such a productive golden child, that all parents would be glad to have, when an idea popped in my head! I love polar bears. And the idea of a BIPOLAR bear is hilarious, so I was thinking.... These cute,fluffy,but dangerous animals are dying! So I decided, let's show PEOPLE (I don't know who, maybe the un-existent ones reading this book). So I drew a polar bear with his head being served to him by us, humans, who aren't tall and brave enough to fess up about the innocent animal deaths going on around us. No I am not vegan. But you know, the bear is also allowing it, like it's killing itself by allowing us to serve him his head.

I didn't think of this until after I drew it. It was as if my mind didn't register what it was telling itself. I feel so wise. You will come to me young grasshoppers, and I will show you the beautiful splendor of ART! Man I'm deep.

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