Chapter 15: Unknown

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A month later...

It had been extremely busy day for Aja with traveling from New York and Cleveland wasn't making it any better. Her work load had increased and since she'd been taking on the role as Richard's assistant while Mina was on bed rest. Robinson was beyond stressed. He watched as Aja yawned for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Richard... you need to calm down." Mina said watching him rub his temples.

"No, Mina, I will not calm down! It's bad enough that you're out on maturity leave now, I have to deal with one of my best employees sleeping on the job when there's work to do." He sighed as she rubbed her small baby bump.

"Babe, she's exhausted and probably overworked because of me. So, just give her the rest of the day off to catch up on sleep and stop being so angry nothing will get solved by acting an ass." Mina waved him off. Richard chuckled at her slight attitude.

"I will put your advice to the test but you get some rest... I'll see you at home. I love you." He said before fixing his tie.

"I love you too and babe can you please bring home some of those sweet and spicy pickles from Pablo's." She pouted.

"Okay I will- Hey glasses, get Aja in here." Richard said before ending his call. The intern nodded.

Aja walked sluggishly around the office trying to get ready to film GQ Live show but everyone kept calling her for simple things.

"Aja, Donaldson wants you in his office." An intern said. She sighed and handed him the string lights.

"Stanley needs these lights hung over the by the set before the shoot with OBJ." Aja said before walking away. The intern nodded.

"Sir, you call me?" Aja asked before covering her mouth as she yawned.

"Yes, I want you to go home and get some rest. It's none of my business what goes on in your personal life but your performance today isn't what you usually give and I need you on your A game... not whatever the hell this is." He sighed. "Go get some rest and be here tomorrow afternoon for the interview with Odell Beckham Jr." Aja felt like Richard was low key warning her about her job.

"Yes sir, and I apologize for not giving you my best today, I'll be back tomorrow ready to work." He nodded quietly.

Aja felt like Richard was disappointed with her work today and she didn't want Kyrie to be the blame for it. Her hard work is what got her this far, she didn't want to lose it because of her lack of sleep or Kyrie. She decided to get something to eat before heading to her hotel room.

"Hey Aja, what will it be today?" The store owner asked.

"Hey Pablo, I'll have hot wings and the Italian mango ice tea." She said before getting out her money.

"It's on the house." Pablo said while getting her food prepared.

She took a mental note to tip Pablo for his generosity. Aja took a seat at the nearest table and began to text Kyrie.

MyHeartbeat : Did Richard tell you about how horrible I was at work today?

My Everything : Damn boo emoji tears... I haven't spoken with him yet, what's going on?

MyHeartbeat : I haven't been myself lately and I think he wants to fire me.

My Everything : Bye Felicia! You know damn well he not gonna do that.

MyHeartbeat : How can you be so sure?

My Everything : Cause he ain't stupid. Mina's pregnant right now and Richard doesn't trust anyone else other than you and Mina to make shit run smoothly so stop pouting and show him how dedicated you are the next time you go into work.

MyHeartbeat : You're right! Did I tell you how much I love you?

My Everything : Nah I'm waiting though

MyHeartbeat: Well I'll show you in two weeks.

My Everything: Hmm... I'll be waiting.

"Order 1301!" Pablo shouted out. Aja tipped him the total amount for her meal and thanked him.

When Aja made it back to her hotel room, her phone wouldn't stop ringing. She really wasn't up for answering any calls either. The only thing she wanted to do at the moment was dive in the bed naked and stuff her face with hot wings. Her body ached something terrible as she unzipped the back of her skirt then kicked off her heels.

Once she was completely free, Aja climbed into bed and snuggled the bedspread. Her phone chimed indicating that she had an incoming text message. She sighed while placing her food down as she grabbed the phone.

Unknown: If I catch you in these streets it's over for you bitch!

"Seriously." Aja sighed contemplating whether to reply back.

Aja already knew who it was. She'd been getting messages like this since she changed her number and not once cared to replied. It just angered her why someone would waste their time trying to threaten her. She hadn't spoke a word about it to Kyrie because she felt he needed to be focused on basketball and Sasha.

Aja: Sonya... I have no beef with you, whatever problem you have take it to Jesus. And please stop playing on my phone like you're 10. You're too grown to be acting like this. If you want to speak with me directly then come to my hotel room I'm sure you know where it is by now.

P.S You're daughter's birthday is coming up... If you want to be there I suggest you speak with her father and grandmother.


"So you gon' meet with her or not? Cause if a bitch talked to me like that it would be on and poppin'!" Sonya rolled her eyes and threw on her hoodie.

"Oh yeah... I'm gonna meet up with her fat ass and at the end of our conversation that bitch will be dead." She blew smoke into the air.

"Aight bitch but just know I'm on probation and i dont need this shit putting me back in the joint sis." Her friend said waving her blunt around.

"Tamika, I'm not forcing your ass to stay!" Sonya shouted at her.

"Aight I'm gone but just know when that bitch wipes the floor with yo ass don't call me for help!" Tamika yelled before Sonya slammed the door.

Unknown: Yes we can meet up... how does 8pm tomorrow sound?

Aja: That's fine.

"Finally I get to end this bitch." Sonya smiled then kissed the cold steel that previously rested in her lap.


Happy Sunday!
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