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Over the years, Keith's adoptive parents and him move around. A lot. They move so often, and to so many different states, that Keith can't help but feel that it is their goal to have lived in all 50 states.

Most of his childhood has involved him leaving his belongings and clothes in boxes. With him trying to memorize every nook and cranny of his room, his house, and his town. Even though it was only a matter of time before he moved again, he didn't want to forget a thing.

But he did.

He forgot what color his bedroom walls were.

He forgot how big or small his house was.

He forgot whether or not his town had two churches or no churches.

In turn, people forgot him. His teachers, his classmates, and his friends forgot him after he moved. After he transferred schools. He received no letters or calls.

It was only a matter of time that it got to him- All the times he was forgotten.

It was only a matter of time before he stopped trying to make friends.

It was only a matter of time before a lonely boy such as him got bullied.

When he was little, it was mostly name calling. Childish name calling, with an occasional shove...

Things escalated when he entered Junior High. Having to wear glasses due to his poor eyesight, and wearing many vests made with love by his adoptive mother, he gained all sorts of unwanted attention.

His peers wanted the "smart Asian" to do their homework. They wanted him to their homework for free. He would do it or they would beat him until he was black and blue. With no friends to help him, and not allowing himself to grow close to teachers, he was on his own. He was suffering on his own.


Now he wears contacts. Now he NEVER wears vests. Instead he wears dark colors, and occasionally wears red.


Now he looks tough and acts tough.

If only he was as tough as he looks and acts. 

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