"Doesn't matter, your girlfriend may not like you leaving set to pick up another girl." I stood up and wiped my face, then stumbled into bed.

"Scar, you tattletale. Well, Natalie knows you and I are close. She knows we've been friends for years. And she's not my girlfriend, we went out a few times."

"I'm just fucking with you. Pick me up and pray I'm better."

"You're still sick...damn. Maybe see a doctor when you get to Georgia. I'll find one." Why did he have to take care of me? It was hard to convince myself relationships were worthless when he did that. I felt a little better on the 28th when Chris picked me up in Georgia. I had sort of binged once I could keep food down and my pants were snug. The plane ride had made me nauseous, but chewing gum helped. Chris was outside in the car, it would've been impossible for him to go in the airport to wait. Too many people. I got in the car and hugged him. He was clean shaven and had decided to go with a hair piece instead of dying. His hair was it's normal dark color. Wish I could've done that, going blonde was so hard on my hair.

"God, I know you've been blonde for the other movies but it's so weird to see." He grabbed a lock of my hair and tugged it.

"Just because Chris Evans likes brunettes. Steve Rogers prefers blondes." I slapped his hand away. We got to the location, Chris had me meet Natalie right away. She was pretty, but seemed sort of edgy about me. She made an excuse to leave right away. I went to lie down in my trailer since Chris had to shoot. My period was coming, awesome. That on the heels of the flu would have me looking like an extra on 'The Walking Dead.' I went in to lay on the couch before I had to go to makeup. I got 5 minutes of peace before Seb crashed into my trailer.

"Alysa! You never saw me!" He went and hid in the tiny bathroom. I lifted my head and saw Mackie run past my trailer. Seb came out and shoved me over to sit on the couch. "Hey, what's up?"

"I was napping. What did you do to Mackie?"

"We were racing and I didn't want to lose. Sharp left and he lost sight of me. You look like shit."

"Aww, Seb if you wanted a kiss all you had to do was ask. I know I do, I need to get to makeup."

The next few weeks went by fast. Chris and Natalie spent a lot of time together. I wanted to give them their space so I ran around with Seb, Scar, and Lizzie for the most part. Pratt got there a few days after me. I got to see Anna and Jack. It was insane that I felt like my friends in the business were closer to family than my blood relatives. I shot my scenes, they had to go up a size in my costume because I was stress eating. The stress eating was assisted by the stress vomiting though, so... Christmas was a few weeks away and I was on edge. I never got to know Natalie, she seemed nice, everyone had nice things to say about her. It was a hazard of being so close with Chris, girls saw me as a threat. I decided when we came back from breaking for the holidays I would make more of an effort.

But around December 13th I was scrolling through my phone and realized I never got my period. Now, some women would freak out, but I knew I hadn't been with anyone since Chris, and I was on the Depo shot...and he wore a condom. So, I did the logical thing and took a pregnancy test. That was fun asking an assistant to do that, let me tell ya. Then I did the next logical thing when it came back positive. I took fifteen more. The assistant nicely offered to get me an appointment at a local doctor. I wrapped my scenes the next day and headed off. Chris saw me leaving and trotted over in his Cap gear. I was calm, everything was good, I wasn't pregnant, no reason to mention it.

"You have a doctor's appointment? Why didn't you tell me? Are you still sick?"

"I didn't tell anyone. Who told you?" I frowned.

"Natalie heard your assistant calling one. Let me know how it goes." He kissed my forehead and went back to filming.

The doctor was a lovely woman, but her tests had to be wrong. I wasn't pregnant, I told her so...calmly.

"No, you see I can't be pregnant because I haven't had sex in like 3 months."

"Well, according to that timeline, that puts you at about 2 months along. You just attributed your symptoms to stress. But you are very much pregnant. Blood test confirms it." I stared at her, it started to creep her out. She coughed nervously. "Um, Miss Bennett do you need some time to process this? There are options. You can stay here-"

"No, no, no, no, I am good. I will just, go back to my hotel and try to figure out how to explain to everyone that I'm pregnant with my best friend's child. Who is in a relationship with another woman and is also a famous actor. And I will be turning into a whale during the filming of a multi million dollar picture...I'm sure I can figure out...something." I tapped my fingers on the exam table.

"Okay, um, you can pick up some prenatal vitamins, if you want. And come back in January for a 3 month check-up. If you decide to, pursue other options just call and we can help you."

She gave me a sheaf of papers to read. I knew what she was referring to, of course. I thought about it all the way back to the hotel. I don't know if it was the hormones or just the little girl in me that still felt unloved. But this baby was mine, and I wanted it. Now I just had to figure out how I was going to do this.

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