Flashbacks and Stalling

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I paced my trailer, twisting my hands

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I paced my trailer, twisting my hands. Chris was wrapping up a scene and then we were on the way to Boston for Christmas, which was 3 days away. I would be staying with my grandparents for as long as I could stand. I was planning on telling him right before he dropped me off at my grandparents. Giving him a few days to process, then going to his mom's Christmas Eve to drop off presents. Maybe he would have some ideas. Chris came into the trailer and grabbed my bags.

"Come on Lys, plane leaves in an hour." He was always so giddy to go back to Boston.

"You're such a kid, Christopher." I smiled, the smile faltered when I saw Natalie waiting outside. Chris followed my gaze.

"I forgot to tell you, Nat is coming home with me for Christmas. I want her to meet everyone."

"Wow, that went from 'a few dates' to 'meeting the fam' really fast." I fake laughed. Chris smiled.

"I know but she's awesome. I haven't connect with someone like this since...Jess. You know how I felt about her."

"Yeah, I was there." Chris made a face at my snark. Oops. "Sorry, I'm just not looking forward to this."

"You could always stay at mom's. Or my place, or a hotel." I nodded and we left. This complicated my plans a bit. It couldn't be polite to tell a guy you're pregnant when his girlfriend is standing next to him. I slept on the plane ride, it was that or watch Natalie fawn over Chris. The other girls had never bothered me...I wasn't pregnant with the other girls either.

Considering the pissy mood I was in, I decided to stay at a hotel. God knows what I would say to my grandparents. I insisted Chris just drop me off at the entrance, he wanted to take my things up but Natalie was frowning. Yeah, I didn't like that bitch.

"But you'll be over Christmas Eve?" He asked.

"Yes, it's tradition. Then the Bennetts for Christmas Day, then I'm getting the fuck out of Boston."

"You're not staying for New Years?" He furrowed his brow. New Years was also tradition, but there were a few issues this year. One, I couldn't drink...okay that was the only issue.

"I'm going to Sof and Henry's, it's their sort-of-anniversary and he told me I had to come. You'll be fine." I ruffled his hair. I almost forgot I was in the middle of a huge crisis. He was a good guy, he loved kids. It wouldn't change anything...then my eyes shifted to Natalie. I smiled at her and went up to my room. I called Sofia as soon as I got settled.

"What's up?"

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out. She was silent, why couldn't I just do that to Chris?

"Huh, I owe Scar 20 bucks. It's Evans' isn't it?"

"Yeah, how did Scar know?"

"You were throwing up all over, you have a bump, and she saw prenatals in your purse. She put it all together, being that she's had a kid, you know."

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