chapter 2 edited

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It's been over a month, i haven't hung out with john since the last date. I had to tell him that we couldn't hang out after school for a bit so then he kept pestering me as to why. So i ended up telling him about me being grounded and that as soon as it's over that we can go on a date and this time i promise not to get detention beforehand even tho im not to sure if i can keep that promise since i don't ever pay attention in class so i always need to copy off armin. witch by the was is doing great. Erwin and her are officially a thing.

Its the next day and the dismissal bell rings. I start looking for john since we can finally go on dates agen . i turn the corner to see one of the most heartbreaking sites i've seen in a long time. John was kissing Marko. I felt sad angry and most of all betrayed. Something just took over me and i walked up behind john and smacked him. Of course a teacher was there and saw the part where i slapped him so i was sent to the principles for starting a "fight" . i get to the principles and then the reality of everything hit me. My boyfriend kissed another girl i slapped him, im in the principal's office, i'm probably going to get suspended, and worst of all levis gonna get called to pick me up.

I've been sitting in the principles for over 20 minutes and finally a ticked levi came in the office. "Hi principal Mike, what trouble has Eren gotten into this time?" said levi.

"Eren here started a fight with one of our students." stated the princ. So that's what you did.

"Mr.Ackerman Eren has been suspended. Effective of tomorrow, we'll call when her suspension is over." we leave the school and get to his lambo, and drive in silents, and i mean one of those awkward silences not the kind that are comfortable. Until we finally reach the house.

A/N this is his car.

A/N this is his car

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(back to story)

"Oi brat who you punch and why." (sniff) " why are you crying." (sniff) " i slapped john and the reason (sniff) he ch-ch-cheated on me." (bursts into tears) "oi sorry brat, come here." (comfort hug) "(sniff) i-i can't believe he'd cheat on me" (sniff) " its going to be OK, i promise." "no it won't!" "Yes it will you'll find someone that actually deserves you, someone you'll love." "no! Ill never love anyone again." Eren i." I pull my head back and look up at levi. "You w-what (sniff)?" " u-um I know you herting and that it feels like your heart is shattered and can't be fixed but believe me there's someone right under your little nose." (sniff) "Your just saying that." " No i'm being serious there's someone and you're just unaware of it i swear, and believe me they care for you so much they're just scared, or nervous to tell you, and if they were there not now because they don't want to hurt you anymore then you are now."

to be continued I had a feeling that he was talking about himself but i push the thought aside as hopeful thinking. "Eren look one day someone will find you and you'll fall in love and be happy. This is all part of it, life has all these little hurts that eventually lead to love then a big thing of hurt then you're happy because of that hurt, because you know that love was true.''ok all this talk about love is making me really suspicious about this. Now i swear that he likes me but im not complaining. On the outside i'm crying do to left over felling for john and on the inside i'm yeeeing like a fangirl. "Oi are you ok eren you're slightly jumping."ya" "eren you stopped crying i guess you're feeling better about everything." " ya about all this" "?" " levi do you like me?"      "u-um n-nooo!" I could tell levi was lying to me. It was written all over his face. So i had the genius idea to show levi how i fell. I grab levi by the hem of his shirt and pull him down till ower face was centimeters away then i stood on my tiptoes and connected our lips. "e-mn " levi pushed me away i was breathless from the lack of air do to the kiss. "Eren what was that!?" (huff) "levi (eren says in a sweet voice ) i've liked you for a long time. Like since the first time i meat you. Back then i didn't know what those feelings were, but now i know ther the feelings of love." " E-Eren i don't know what to say" "that's ok, i didn't expect you to say anything actually. Also i kinda figured that you wouldn't feel the same but that's ok." "n-no eren the reason i didn't know what to say is because i feel the same way i've always felt the same way!" I stand there astonished, not knowing what to do. I feel so happy right now it should not be possible." levi?" "ya eren" " i love you." "eren i-i love you too, with all my heart."Omg! This is so great he actually said he loves me. "Eren the only thing is i think we shouldn't be together." "w-what?!?" "only till you're over john tho." " levi i am over john. To be honest i didn't like him that much i just never thought he'd just kiss someone else behind my back." " ok , will you go out with me." mehhee i guess i little prank wont hert. "No" "w-wh-what?!" (burst out laughing) "just kidding of course i'll go out with you, i love you so much." " oi you little brat. Mhe" levi pulled me into a kiss and for a moment i just stood there shocked till i regained my train of thought and kissed back he liked my bottem lip asking for entrance i gladly let him and he didn't leave a creves unexplored. This is the best thing i've ever felt.

A/N hop u like little titans 

eren: author-chan!

auther-chan: ya?

eren: gust get to wherr me and levi do the fricky freek

Levi: darn eren hold your horses. right auther-chan

auther- chan: ya will get to it soon enough no worry's.

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