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Peridot checked the security cameras for Lapis's cell. The water gem was pacing her cell, holding her upper arms. Peridot stood and left the control bridge. She marched down the winding corridors until she reached the cell Lapis was being held in.

Lapis stopped and looked Peridot in the eye. "What. Do you want. From me?"

"I just need to know what you know about this Steven on this Earth I need to know more about..." Peridot replied waving her limb enhancer through the air.

"Why should I tell such a horrible gem like you? Stevens' my friend and I would never want to put his life in jeopardy!"Lapis yelled.

Peridot frowned." I am not trying to be horrible, I just needed information and they gave me you!" She replied. She heard heavy footsteps coming from down the hall. Jasper stood by Peridot's side and glared at Lapis.

"She won't talk." Peridot turned to the tall gem.

"Then I will make her!"Jasper pressed some buttons on the side controller and shots of electricity began shocking Lapis. She screamed and her knees buckled.

"That's enough." Peridot rolled her eyes.

"I don't think so!"Jasper set the shocks of electricity to a higher level.

"Jasper, stop."Jasper wouldn't listen.

Peridot bit her limb enhancers. Yes her limb enhancers! Peridot's fingers floated up and projected a screen. With Peridot's one finger she punched some numbers into a barcode space. Lapis fell to the floor as the electricity stopped shocking her. Jasper shoved Peridot and stormed off.

"Are you all right?" Peridot asked. Lapis looked up with surprise then quickly yelled," This is your fault, go away!"

Lapis was surprised and flattered that such a horrible gem had asked such a nice question. She could not show that she was thankful so she yelled at Peridot. Peridot threw her hands up and walked away.

Phew, that was close...
Lapis wanted Peridot to leave but she felt like she didn't want to be alone. And she wanted Peridot to accompany her? No! Lapis couldn't think like that about Peridot, just no.

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