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Lapis sat down in her cell. All she wanted to do was go home, and thought that nobody would still think of her as a traitor. No, she was wrong. And home world had advanced so much technologically.

Lapis didn't want to make her situation worse,but she didn't want to stay in a cage.

Peridot was getting her ship ready when Yellow Diamond's pearl, Yellow Pearl sashaed over. "I have been sent by Yellow Diamond to inform you that we have we have found a suitable guide to Earth to find this Steven for you. She will be here with Jasper shortly."Yellow Pearl said. Peridot sneered.
"What gem is my informant? Are they suitable for my mission?"Peridot looked away from her screen at the Pearl.
"She is a Lapis Lazuli and she is a home world traitor. She has been to Earth before. I am pretty sure she will be suitable." Yellow Pearl snapped.She quickly left Peridot to ready her ship for departure.

The message had been sent. And just in time too, a large gem with broad shoulders, a masculine build, long white hair, and an orange gem located on her nose. The magical forcefield fell and the tall gem dragged Lapis to a warp pad. They warped to a hangar where ships sat empty and abandoned.

One ship at the far end of the hangar, in the shape of a hand, was being readied to depart from home world. A Peridot was tapping on her little screen. "Are we ready?" The gem gripping Lapis's arm asked the Peridot.

Peridot looked over at the blue gem. She looked dishelved and sad. Peridot was silent. "This is our guide?" Was all Peridot could say.

Jasper rolled her eyes and dragged Lapis onto the ship. Peridot let her finger enhancements come back to her limb enhancement. She followed Jasper and Lapis down a long hallway with empty cells on each side.  Lapis was pushed into one at the far end of the hallway. The forcefield fell and Lapis looked out at Peridot with fear on her face.

Jasper left and Peridot stayed, staring into the eyes of the water gem. "After we depart, I will be back to check on you for some information."

Lapis sat down and hugged her knees.

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