Essential Oils

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Essential oil use guide

Everyone has been talking about essential oils, but it's hard to keep track which one does what. This is why I created this easy essential oil use guide that you can use for quick reference whenever you need it!

I would like to preface that I am not a doctor by any means, but all of this information came from studies that I have been reading. Everyone reacts differently to certain things, so these may or may not help you.

This guide focuses on the most commonly used essentials oils, such as peppermint, lavender, lemongrass, grapefruit, tea tree, patchouli and eucalyptus.

These oils can be used in a infuser, homemade creams or just a mixture of the oils.

Infusers are fairly common now with the growing popularity of essential oils, so you can find them just about everywhere.

If you want to make a cream, you can mix the oils with coconut oil and find a airtight container to store. Apply the cream to your wrists and pain areas for use.

If you create a oil, you can use it in a rollerball container or a drop bottle. You will need a base oil, like almond, to mix in with the essential oil.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have a essential oil mixture that you love!


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