Payton Arizona

Her best friend isn't talking to her, I wasn't gonna go batshit crazy again. I'm giving the woman a break.

Meredith Grey

"Can you stand on your own?" I asked. She didn't respond but when I let go of her arm she swayed a little bit before steadying herself.

"Good. That's very good. You're recovering very fast." I said. I took her arm again and walked her over to the walker that sat in the corner. Her steps were wobbly and you could tell that it was taking all of her effort not to fall, but she made her way over to the walker. Using the walker, we walked out into the hallway.

"We're just gonna go down to the nurses station and back." I told her. She walked down to the nurses station where Torres and Robins were standing talking. They both looked over at us and smiles stretched across their faces.

"She's walking already?" Robins asked.

"Yup. She's recovering really well. It's a little wobbly but she's already able to stand on her own." I said.

"That's great. At this rate, she should be out of here sometime next week. I mean she'll still need an in home nurse, especially because the cast on her wrist is gonna get in the way, but she won't have to be in here anymore." Callie said. I nodded and smiled.

"Come on, let's go back to your room." I told Payton. She walked back to her room and I helped her back into her bed. I sat next to her for a couple more minutes before I got a 911 page to the OR. I paged Karev waiting for him to show up. When I saw him walking down the hallway, I walked out of her room and walked over to Karev.

"You have to help her out of the bed and over to the walker, and then she walks down to the nurses station. Have fun babysitting, bye." I said starting to walk away.

"But it's not my shift yet." He said.

I waved my pager at him. "Sorry it's an emergency."

"Of course it's an emergency, were in a damn hospital." He said before walking into her room.

Alex Karev

"Hi Payton, I'm Dr Karev." I said. She didn't respond or even look at me. I just shook my head and sat in the chair in the corner of the room.

About half an hour passed and I was going over patient charts when I noticed movement from the corner of my eye. I looked up and saw that Payton had sat up and put her feet over the edge of the bed. She stood up on her own but as soon as she went to take a step, she collapsed onto the ground. I ran over to her and hauled her back onto her feet. As soon as I touched her she went crazy trying to kick and punch me, but I was able to get her over to her walker. I let go of her and she stopped fighting. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I sat back down, breathing heavily.

A couple minutes later she walked back out of the bathroom and went over to her bed. She laid in the same position she had been laying in since I got here.

I went back to reading patient charts, glancing up every once in awhile. I glanced up from the charts after about 5 minutes and realized that her sheets and the sleeve of The sweater she wore over her hospital gown was soaked with blood. I ran over and yanked her sleeve up. Again she started fighting as soon as I touched her. I managed to pin down her right arm long enough for me to examine her left. She had 3 cuts running along her left wrist. They weren't deep but they did need bandages. I walked over to a cabinet and grabbed some gauze, bandages, and alcohol. I walked over to her, got her right hand pinned down so she couldn't swing at me, and started cleaning her left wrist. I returned the extra gauze to the cabinet and turned back around to find whatever she had used to cut herself. I tried to reach for her pocket but she swung and hit me in my temple. She started fighting me right as a nurse walked in with her lunch.

The nurse set the food down and ran into the hall. She came back with two other nurses who restrained Payton, and then all three left. I reached into her pocket and found a scalpel.

"Where the hell did you get a scalpel?!" I asked. She stared at me blankly. I set the scalpel down on the bedside table right as Avery walked in for his next shift.

"Why is she in restraints?" Was the first thing he asked. "And why are you bleeding?"

I hadn't realized I was bleeding, but it must have been from when she punched me.
"She's in restraints because she started fighting with me, and I'm bleeding because she managed to land a punch while she was fighting with me."

"Okay. But why do you have a scalpel?"

"I took it from her. I don't know where she got it though. She was using it to cut her wrists."

"Damnit Payton. I would go get that cut checked. It might need stitches."

I nodded and walked out of the room to go get my cut checked.

Jackson Avery

I started to undo the restraints when a nurse walked in.

"Umm Dr Avery, I don't think you should-" she said.

"I know what I'm doing." I cut her off. I undid lher restraints and grabbed a fork off of her food tray. I put it in her hand, but she threw it across the room.

I walked over and picked it up. I put it in her hand again, "Your not a baby, you can hold a fork." I said to her. She threw it onto the floor again. I looked at her and I swore I saw a smirk cross her face.

"This isn't funny." I said smiling. I put the fork back in her hand and this time she didn't throw it. I pulled over her tray and set down the bowl of pasta they'd brought her for lunch. She just laid in the bed in the same position. I sat her up and told her "Im going to get a coffee, I'll be back in 10 minutes. When I come back there better be bites taken out of that pasta." I walked out the door and to the coffee cart.

I returned ten minutes later. When I walked into her room the bowl of pasta was sitting on her bedside table and the cold coffee from this morning was sitting in front of her. There was a couple bites taken out of the pasta though.

I laughed before telling her "your not allowed to drink coffee." I put the coffee next to the pasta and turned around to get her walker.
When I turned back around the coffee was back on her tray. I laughed again before moving her tray out of the way and going to sit her up. She started fighting with me.

"Meredith said you can stand on your own. Now either you stand on your own or I'm going to stand you up. And if I have to stand you up, your not going to fight me." She sat in the same position, her feet dangling over the edge of her bed. I walked over and helped her stand up, without having to fight with her. I brought her her walker and we walked out the door. She walked down to the nurses station and back.

"Go back to your room, I need to grab some patient charts." I told her as she passed me. She didn't seem to acknowledge me.

I grabbed my patient charts from the nurse at the desk before making my way back to Payton's room.  When I walked in the cup of coffee was back in front of her and she was back in her normal position with a blank expression.

"What are we gonna do with you?"

Paging Payton(A Grey Anatomy/Jackson Avery Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin