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School is officially out- in three hours.
I am so done with this school year. Being a freshman sucks. First of all, everyone else acts like they are so much better than me. At least I'm not the only freshman. But all my friends somehow got in with the 'cool kids'.
   I got a boundary exception just so I could be with my friends and over the summer they all turned into 'teenagers'. You know what I mean. They act like they rule the world. I mean according to Beyoncé we do, so I agree with my friends about that.
  But it was so much easier to be cool in middle school. We were the top of the top in eight grade. We were the most in-style kids and we were the only ones who were wearing makeup. My Elf eye shadow and Bath and Body Works peach perfection lip gloss was 'so hip'. I was completely caught up on all the Hannah Montana Episodes and knew all the Taylor Swift songs.
   Then I got to high school.
Girls had the nicest makeup and I still had my leftover NYX chap stick. I came to school in the outfit that I picked out that I thought was the most in style thing at Target, but then I got to school and saw everyone in their $150 shoes and $90 jeans.
  Anyway, so that was my year. I wanted to make a new appearance in high school but I ended up getting valedictorian at the end of the first semester in math and everybody knew that about me. Yay. So there goes my chance of not being known as a 'nerd'. Honestly I brought
this upon myself. I imagined high school just like how Grabriella Montez taught me it was like. Well she was wrong.


"Class dismissed. And remember, read all of the Hobbit before September comes. Have a good summer kids..."

"UHG. I'm sooo done with school. I've already picked out my swimsuit. Jenny are u coming tonight?" Ellie said.
"Heck yeah. You coming Carly?"
"Duh. I wouldn't miss it."
"We meeting somewhere tonight?" I said.
"Oh yeah... sorry forgot to add you in the group chat. Some of the freshmans are meeting at my house tonight." Jenny awkwardly responded.
"Are we gonna have a sleepover? Should I bring my swimsuit?" I said trying to act like my feelings weren't crushed for the third time today.
"Yeah. It's going to be so lit! So siked that everyone is coming." Ellie pipes in.
"Who is coming exactly?" I asked, still not knowing what exactly was going on.
"Well Jake, Carl, Mike, and some guy named Justin is coming along with some of my volleyball friends. Justin is one of Carl's friends but I have no idea who he is."
"I feel you Justin." I mumbled under my breath.
"What did you say Myah?" Ellie asked.
Awkward silence.
"So uh- can I get a ride with you Carly?" I asked trying to break the silence.
"Sure! Do you wanna come over to my house after school? You can just borrow some of my clothes."
"Thanks Carly."
"Of course girl! Anything for the squad."
That made me feel better. Carly has always been there for me. She's the one who has kept me positive through the year. I mean kinda positive. Ok. Not very positive but not completely negative.
Carly and I have been friends for pretty much my entire life. Her and I were batgirl and Robin for Halloween when we were seven, and then the next year we were Siamese cats, and so on. We have always dressed up together for Halloween, except for last year. I dressed up as a jar of peanut butter and she was supposed to dress up like jelly, but then her and all my other friends showed up in their police officer dresses. I felt so left out that I didn't go. I told them that I would hand out candy. But Carly and I are still tight- as far as I know.


"Thanks for letting come home with you guys on such short notice." I said to Mrs. Karol, (Carly's mom), as we rode to Carly's house.
"Sure thing girly. Anything for BFF Myah."
"Oh my gosh. MOM! Stop it!" Carly said as I was trying not to choke as I keep my laughter under my breath.
"I love your mom." I whispered to Carly as I was wiping my tears from laughter away.
"Yeah me too." Then we just looked at each other in silence and started laughing.
When we got to Carly's house, we immediately ran up to her room and yanked open he closet. I just have to say that Carly has the cutest clothes. She always has all the latest styles and trends. She is super into all that stuff and has gotten me into it. Carly is like the sister I never had in those areas.
We went through her closet about five times and she insisted that there was nothing cute enough for tonight.
"Oh my gosh Carly. You seriously have like all the best clothes. How can you say you have nothing for either of us?"
"I'm even thinking of stuff in my moms closet. Nothing!"
"Carls we can find something. Come on! How about this top? Carly?" I turned around and saw her blankly staring out her window. "Hey what are you doing?" Then before I could even blink, she grabbed our purses, phones, jackets, and shoes and grabbed my hand and took me sprinting with her downstairs.
"CARLY!! What the heck?!"


As we walked into Forever 21, I just kept looking at Carly's extremely determined face and laughing.
"You are so weird. I don't believe you are making me spend all my money on the first day of summer! Your mom is so nice just to take us here on the spot. Carly? Are you even listening?"
"How about this? Oh! With these shoes and this choker." She shoved the items into my hands. "Go try that on. I'll be in in a minute so get one of the handicap rooms."
"Ok." I just turned and went straight to the rooms. As I walked into the room, I realized that for this whole time I had forgotten about everything negative in my life that was happening. All my sorrows went away with just one simple splurge of joy. I then realized how easily joy overcomes sadness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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