Chapter 41 - "I Was In Love With You."

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But much to my stupefying surprise, Beta Ezra is the one who still hasn't recovered.

Actually, he looks to be on the verge of lashing out.


Seneca senses my panic and quickly realizes the source of my concern.

"Ezra, calm yourself." She says quietly, with an undercurrent of hidden command buried in that small sentence. Ezra tears his now fully golden eyes from me unwillingly, his jaw clamped tight as he locks gazes with Seneca, giving her a stiff nod.

Seneca nods in a reassuring manner, and he takes deep breaths, his chest heaving up and down with the effort.

I exhale silently, relieved.

There's a knock on the door, and a head full of familiar, raven black curls, peeks in tentatively, as the door opens with a silent whine.

Ah, my nerdy friend. there's a lot I need to you.

"Good afternoon, Alpha and Beta?" Nicole Machiavelli calls—making the simple phrase sound like a question, much to my humor—as she stands by the door hesitantly, fiddling with a long brown envelope in hand. "This came for the Aleph, Alpha." She gestures to the letter shyly, "And Gamma David asked me to inform you that you have visitors." She presses her lips together, pointing to the door with her thumb finger as she rocks on her heels slightly.

I can't help the smile at her skittishness around my Mate.

"Oh, okay." Seneca nods, standing up as she cracks the kinks on her limbs with a little stretch, "I'll be back soon, Cage." She whispers as she leans forward and places a small kiss on my stubble covered cheek. I hum in agreement as she spins on her heel, leaving me alone with my brother and Nicole.

The nervous girl steps away from the door as Seneca steps out of the room, locking it. She dawdles her way to me in small steps, finally reaching my side as she extends the envelope held in two fingers.

I grab the envelope and seize her wrist in my grip, tugging her close before she tries to scramble away. "Oomf!" She huffs in surprise as I squeeze her side in a one-armed hug, letting her scoot away after giving her a firm pat on her back.

"Whoa," She sways for a second with the force of the pat, and I chuckle, watching her scowl at me as she rubs her back and pulls the stool that Seneca just abandoned, planting her butt with another glare aimed at me.

I ignore her stare and place the envelope on my lap, smirking knowingly, "Forgot about my presence once you met your Mate, huh?" I rib, struggling to keep the waggle of my brows from looking too bawdy.

She flushes, "It's—It's not like that, and you know it! Karen and I hardly have any time to meet. With her Alpha meeting her human Mate, and their wedding coming up, their Pack is full of chaos and she's too busy." She says, frowning as she twiddles her thumbs.

I nod, getting her frustration. "How are you, though?" I query, looking into her eyes.

Ezra chooses that moment to stand up, walking outside with a nod in a direction to give us our privacy.

"I'm fine, Micajah. Are you alright?" She asks, concern lacing her words as her brows lower and lips tilt down in worry.

"Fit as a fiddle. Will be out of the hospital in 4 days tops." I answer with a beam, and a small grin stretches her lips at the information.

"Thank Goddess, I was so scared."

We lapse into comfortable silence.

"Hey, Sky said that it was an important mail. I think you should read it now." She says after a few beats of silence, gesturing to the envelope.

She Is My Alpha | Good Boy x Bad Girl |✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora