Sadie was silent for a moment, contemplating his words.

"You're joking." She stated after a while.

"I never joke, Monroe. That's your job." Colonel Phillips answered.

"Well I was kind of hoping for a "just kidding" or a "ha-ha" at the end of that speech." Sadie commented, trying to control the anxiety she was feeling.

"Why would I joke?" Colonel Phillips asked.

"Maybe to test out a new jollier personality." Sadie replied, almost sounding upset.

"This is not a request, Monroe. Unless you decide to count intimidating Private Lorraine as a slip up and in that case, you'll be escorted out of the building and you will no longer be helping out the Army or the S.S.R." Colonel Phillips said in a serious tone.

"No need for an escort. I'll meet you upstairs." Sadie retorted, upset about the predicament she was now in.

Sadie stood up from her chair and storms out of the meeting room. She walks down the hall to Howard's lab to fetch her things. How did she not see this coming? She knew that once they saw her gift's true potential, they would use that to their advantage. She's not a soldier; she's just an assistant with a special gift she chooses not to use for violence. Sadie knew she could do some "real damage" as Colonel Phillips lightly words it, but she can't hurt people with her power; she's not an evil person. She doesn't want to become that person. Again, she's not a soldier, not equip for war. Sadie has no fighting skills, nor skills using a weapon. She would be killed the moment she steps onto that field. Sadie huffs out in frustration as she continued to make her way to Howard's lab.

Once she made it to Howard's lab, she takes off her lab coat, hanging it on the coat rack. She grabs her purse and coat and starts walking toward the exit. Howard, Peggy, and Steve enter the lab, looking at Sadie.

Howard starts to walk up to her. "Doll-"

"Don't Doll me! This was YOUR idea?" Sadie asked angrily.

"...Yes." Howard answered, frowning at Sadie.

Sadie glared at Howard. "This is a new low, Howard."

"Sadie," Steve began to say. "It's not-"

"Shut up, Rogers!" Sadie yelled, glowering at Steve.

Peggy stepped forward, frowning at Sadie. "Sadie, you can't talk to Captain Rogers like that."

"I can talk to him however I want to talk to him! I'm not a soldier! This is between me and Howard!" Sadie said to Peggy as her glare dropped, almost frowning.

"No, it's not, Sadie," Steve answered, but pauses for a minute before continuing. "Yes, it was Stark's idea, but I agreed with it and I want you to assist me and my team with the HYDRA raids. Your gift could come in handy and it could help stop HYDRA. We can win this war with you by our side."

Sadie frowns at them, still upset at Howard, but frightened at the idea of her out on the front lines.

Howard reaches out for her to rub her arm comfortably. "Doctor Erskine said that you could help make a difference, Doll."

"He didn't mean it like that!" Sadie gritted through her teeth as she pulled away from Howard's hold.

"Then let's pretend like he did."

Sadie shakes her head at Howard in disbelief, upset that he didn't tell her this insane idea he had in store for her, to endanger her life for the sake of the war.

"I can't believe you would do this." Sadie uttered softly as angry tears start to pool her eyes. She quickly pushed back the tears, glancing back at Steve and Peggy.

"I'll do it. Since I'm being forced to by Colonel Buttshine and Brains here," Sadie stated, referring her "friendly" nicknames to Colonel Phillips and Howard. She sighs tiredly. "I-I need some air."

Sadie begins to walk past them when she felt Howard's hand on her arm, stopping her in her tracks. She shoots him daggers as she forcibly pulls her arm away from his grasp.

"Leave me alone." She growled before she started walking away, but she turns back to face Howard, seeing a frown on his face. "By the way, my answer is "no." Good thing you didn't buy the real thing to make it official or else I would have had something to throw at your face."

Howard stood crushed and speechless as he watched Sadie turn to walk away. She turned a corner and disappeared from his sight. He looks away, trying to rid the heartbroken frown he had on his face. Howard turned around, facing Steve and Peggy, not making contact with them. He looks down at his shoes, frowning, and huffs aloud.

"What did she mean by that?" Steve asked curiously.

"It means she doesn't want to marry me, my friend," Howard answered, not meeting Steve's gaze. He walks toward the nearest workstation. "I have to get to work."

Peggy put her hand on her mouth, feeling bad for what just occurred between Howard and Sadie.

Steve frowned, seeing the sadness across Howard's face. "Mr. Stark, I'm sorry it came down to-"

"No worries," Howard answered quickly, still not looking at Steve or Peggy. "I guess I can put my full attention on my work now."

Howard picked up one of his tools that was placed on the work table. He glanced down at it before suddenly throwing it across the lab angrily. Steve and Peggy jumped at Howard's outburst.



Sadie made her way inside a telephone booth that was a few blocks away from the S.S.R. base. She inserted a few coins into the machine, quickly dialed an American telephone number, and waited until the person she needed to talk to answered in a soft tone.


"Emmy?" Sadie asked as she held the phone to her ear.

"Sadie?" Emmy answered excitedly. "Oh, it's so good to hear your voice! How is my lovely sister?"

Sadie frowns. "Recontemplating my decision on working for Howard."

"What do you mean, love?" Emmy asked curiously.

"Did you ever tell Il Duce about me getting drafted or being in the front lines when she asked about me that one time?" Sadie asked.

Emmy snickers over the phone. "No, I told her you were your usual self. Why?"

Sadie sighs sadly. "Well you should have told her about the front lines part. I'm leaving for war tomorrow."


Looks like Sadie is joining The Howling Commandos and you know who's making an appearance in this next chapter, our very own BUCKY BARNES, of course! Yes, I'm super excited to edit and type up the next chapter because I've decided to add a hint on what's to come in the upcoming sequels. Thanks for reading! :)


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