'She sent me to the Ilex Forest and gave me a picture of the little green thing and a unique pokeball called the GS Ball to capture it, I wasted no time as I raced over there, neglecting my duties as champion. But that didn't matter to me as I searched up and down, day and night for that thing. Just the snap of a branch would get my heart racing and my blood flowing. But after two weeks of searching 24/7 for Celebi I started to think that maybe I had just been played, that there was no such Pokemon. I started to give up and decided to just keep training, that's how I would get better, that was until I saw something out of the corner of my eye. There on a branch eating a berry was the Pokemon that had tortured my mind, Celebi, I had to capture it. Not being noticed by it I silently but quickly called out my Venusaur and Pikachu having already told them my exact instructions they knew what they had to do. Pikachu went and stood on the opposite side of me so that we had Celebi covered from it's front and back, that's when the plan started. With a combination of Pikachu's attacks and moves I was able to distract Celebi enough where by the time that it realized that I had told Venusaur to use Sleep Powder, it was too late. With its eyes droopy and senses dulled Pikachu was able to hit it with a volt tackle, knocking it out just long enough for me to catch it with the GS Ball.'

All of this information that Ash was receiving was messing with his head, Hunter J, the GS Ball, he was connected to almost every part of Red's story in one way or another. He remembered being so frustrated with that thing, nothing they could do could ever get it open and since he had dropped it off with Kurt he had received he had heard no word of it which didn't seem like a good sign. Bracing himself for what was written next he calmed himself down and continued reading.

'Finally having Celebi captured in that gold colored ball was a relief like no other, I could go back to J and claim that power that was rightfully mine. Everything seemed right for once, at least that's what I thought until I heard a voice in my head. I couldn't believe it when I heard Celebi talking to me while in the GS Ball, I thought that maybe the lack of sleep was getting to me, but no, it was really Celebi and boy was I in for a treat. It talked about how it had encountered J before and that giving it to her would lead to nothing good as she would use its powers for evil. I was blinded by my thirst for more power that I thought that it was just saying that to get me to release it, I wasn't buying it so I kept on my way until finally I reached J's hideout. She seemed surprised but pleased with my accomplishment, I was all but ready to hand her the keys that she needed to take over the world, but Celebi's words stuck with me so I had to at least ask what she was gonna do with it. She started rambling on and on about nonsense and things to try and convince me but I realized in that moment that Celebi was right, the good of humanity outweighed my selfish needs of power. I tried releasing Celebi from the GS Ball but it was hopeless, only J could get it open. Slowly but surely I realized that J had brought some grunts of hers as company and I was completely surrounded. I would have been all but dead had the wall beside me not exploded to reveal Team Rocket and with it Giovanni in the flesh.'

'There was some obvious bad blood between Giovanni and Hunter J and I didn't want any part of it. Giovanni said that he knew what J was up to and that if anyone was gonna take over the world it was gonna be him. He told me to run and get as far away as possible as he took care of things. I took that offer in a heartbeat as I ran through the hole that had been created and fled the scene. Still though in the distance I could hear J's evil maniacal laugh as she said that no matter how far I ran, Celebi would be hers. I didn't even take a second to look back as I ran and ran until my legs were numb with pain, the lack of sleep and the exhaustion that my body had taken physically and mentally overwhelmed me. Without even a seconds warning I passed out in the middle of the forest, far away from all the trouble behind me.'

Reading all of that sent shivers down Ash's spine, even till this day he could still hear J's voice ring through his head even though she was long gone by now. But what piqued his interest the most was hearing about Giovanni, "So that's how they met," Ash said to himself as he pictured Giovanni in his head and wondering how he was holding up in that jail cell. Taking a deep breath he delved right back into the letter.

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