Chapter 22

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The Betrayed Champion by Itssupereffective
Games » Pokémon Rated: T, English, Adventure & Drama, Ash K./Satoshi, May/Haruka, Dawn/Hikari, Paul/Shinji, Words: 132k+, Favs: 941, Follows: 747, Published: Sep 10, 2011 Updated: Aug 23, 2014
1,444 Chapter 22: Yo dawg, I heard you like return fics
Hello everybody and welcome to chapter 22 of The Betrayed Champion. I really want to thank everyone once again for reviewing, my fic surpassed 600 reviews last week and I'm really surprised but happy at the same time.

People who got the name of the fic right: Speedy-Fox-IV and ampplaca. Speaking of which, there's no fic name in this chapter, but I would like to ask a question for you guys. Can you think of a good reward to the people who guess the name of the fic right, I want to make it more exciting but the best I can think of is that I'd review a fic they'd want me to. So does anyone have any ideas?

Anyway I'm always looking for some new ideas, I got a good one last chapter by AMP so does anyone else have an idea. And to TBC Superfan, I appreciate your review and I'll work on the depth of things, but also everything happens for a reason, you'll see soon enough.

The stadium roared in excitement as the highly anticipated match was about to begin. The match people thought would never happen was nearing it's start, Alpha vs Karl, a match that was sure to be one to remember.

It was a packed house, there wasn't a seat empty and some notable people who watching were Mr. Goodshow from his booth and Cynthia who had front row seats. The sun was shrouded today by a multitude of dark gray clouds, ready to burst with water at any moment.

Karl had already gotten into position by now, his blue hair coming down his face and somewhat blocking his vision. He had his patented baggy jeans, orange head band, orange shirt with long cream sleeves coming out of it, and a black unzipped jacket over the shirt.

Coming into the battle he was very nervous, his stomach was a little uneasy and sweat was poring from his forehead. But once he took a step onto the field, it was as if he was a new person. Those fears went away and was replaced by a strong sense of confidence, but one that could accept the thought of losing as long as he tried his best.

The crowd eagerly waited for the man of the hour and their wishes were fulfilled when they saw a figure walking onto the field. It was Alpha alright, his hat covering the bandages that wrapped around his head, the shirt coming up and covering everything up to his eyes, and the black sunglasses that covered everything else.

Behind Alpha came a shiny Noctowl soaring from behind him that with a piece of paper in his beak. He made his way up to where the announcer was and dropped the piece of paper in his hand. The Noctowl flew off after that while the announcer opened the folded up piece of paper up and read it over the intercom.

The commentator cleared his throat and began to speak, "Due to the injury I sustained in the previous battle, I'm not at my strongest as of now so I won't be speaking for the duration of the battle, but really, do I have to say dodge for my pokemon to avoid the attack? Seems like common sense to me."

Alpha rolled his neck and waited for the referee to start the match, his eyes met with Karl's. Alpha gave him a slight smirk as he grabbed his pokeball in anticipation.

The referee decided it was time to start the match and spoke, "This will be a three on three battle, on the right you have Karl from Oldale Town." His name was greeted by mostly positive reaction, he gave the crowd no reason to dislike him.

The referee took a deep breath as he readied himself for the crowd's reaction, "And on the right, you have the man that couldn't even be stopped by a coma, Alpha from the Depths of Hell!" Immediately the crowd roared in cheers, the whole stadium shook as people screamed in excitement.

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