chapter 2

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Zach: Who the fuck threw that?! (I dropped Mario and turned around) Well?!

Eveyone pointed at me..Im dead! Im so dead! I wanted to help Mario But now I need to help myself. I ran as fast as I could but his 'Friends' got me

Zach:Your lucky I dont hit girls..But if I did You'll be dead! Im going to leave you off with a warning. Even think to hit me or touch me like that again and I will hurt you! Got it?

Me: (I nooded and they let go off me)

Mario: (I ran over to her and hugged her) Are you okay?

Me:Yeah... (I moved back. And got my backpack) I have to go.. (I started to walk to the door)

Mario: (I stopped her) Where are you going? You never skip Class?

Me: I know...I just have to go. Love you (I kiss his cheek)

-If your a fan girl of mario Dont be leaving hate comments!-

I went to the back of the schools and sat down on the bleachers. I looked out to the Field. Why do I always have to get bullied by Zach? I have done nothing to him! I known him since first grade and me and him have been friends until high school. What happened to him?! Zach came over and sat next to me

Bullied By Zach ClaytonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt