Cum Sancto Spiritus

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"So that's it, huh?" Emma asked me as she took the last box from the kitchen and taped it shut.

"I guess it is," I stood in the middle of the living room, taking stock of the bare walls and shelves, the couch and chairs all covered with white sheets. I'd miss my little grey house, that's for sure, but I was on to bigger and better things; namely the bigger and better house on the other side of the property.

"How's it feel to be the manager and live-in girlfriend of the biggest movie star on the planet?"

"I'm more nervous about the manager title than anything else."

"Well, what did you expect when his other manager quit? Of course he'd want you for that job."

"It's true. I don't think that man could maintain normal human function without me."

"Plus he loves you so much."

"That's definitely a bonus," I said thoughtfully as I set the last of my things outside of my front door. Emma and I sat together in my white rocking chairs, waiting for my boxes of stuff to be picked up.

"Have you heard from Tom again lately?"

"Nope. Not since that day at the office...when was that anyway?" I paused and pondered my own question.

"Just before you went with Bobby on his press tour."

"Holy shit, it's been a couple months then. Maybe he's hiding out."

"Probably for the best," she said with a laugh.

"Yeah. Probably," I said wistfully, thinking about what I should have said to him the last time we saw each-other. I should have reigned in my temper and cleared the air with him.

"He's been tweeting some rather mysterious things lately--" Emma said as she pulled out her cell phone and handed it to me.

I know now that we never get over great losses; we absorb them, and they carve us into different, often kinder, creatures.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you've had enough.

"I wonder if that last one is about you."

I rolled my eyes and handed her phone back to her, "Who cares? If he's moved on and he's happy, that's great. I just wish he'd be the stand-up guy I always thought he was and say these things to my face."

"He tried to do that, remember?"

"Well, that was a bit of an ambush...and I was on fire because I thought Robert was conspiring behind my back--"

"And you've got an extremely hot temper," she added with a laugh.

"Que sera, sera, Emma. Everything works out in the end, if it's meant to."

Just then, one of Robert's groundskeepers pulled up with a pickup truck, ready to transport my things to "the big house" as I'd been calling it. I locked the door of my tiny house, loaded everything up and said goodbye to Emma before following the truck to my new home. Robert was on the front steps waiting for me as I approached and his smirk changed into a full-on ear to ear smile as I parked my car in his driveway.

He'd hung a 'Welcome Home' sign above the door and had put out two brand new white rocking chairs on the porch. Just for me. I got out of the car and he bounded down the stairs, arms outstretched, and wrapped me in them.

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