Allow What is to Be

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"Rise and shine, smarty pants!"

"Rrrhhmph!" I groaned into my pillow, a faint pounding in my head suggested I keep my eyes shut.

"Come on. Time to wake up and teach me yoga."

Seriously Bobby?

"What time is it?" I asked, face still smashed in my pillow.

"Six a.m."

"It's too early. Let's go back to bed," I grumbled, half asleep as I patted the bed next to me. Quietly, and much to my surprise, he settled in on the pillow next to mine. I peeked at him through the cover of my sleep-rumpled hair and found him silently scanning his cell phone, catching up on emails or whatever. I drifted in and out of sleep for another hour before he woke me by climbing out of the bed to make a phone call. I heard the characteristic ring of a FaceTime call and figured he must be calling his kids.

"Hey animal!"

"Where's your sissy?"

"I miss you too, Ex. I'll be home soon."

"No, I can't bring you some snow. It'll melt by the time I get it home."

"Yes. I'll bring you with next time."

"She's sleeping, buddy," he said quietly. I knew he was talking about me.

"I'm awake!" I shouted, as I sat upright in my bed.

Robert came in, smiling wide and handed his phone to me. Exton's happy face filled up the screen and it made my heart swell. Such a sweet boy.

"Hi Miss Jen!" he called out, smiling with his face covered in peanut butter. "Your hair is crazy!"

I glanced in the mirror close to the bed and saw that my hair did, in fact make me look like a bad 80's rendition of myself. I raked my fingers through my bangs to smooth them and wrapped the rest of it with a ponytail holder.

"All better," he emoted.

"How are you, sir?"


"Are you being nice to your sister?"

"Uh huh," he nodded vigorously.

Along with being Robert's personal assistant, I'd also gotten to know his children very well. I'd known his two youngest kids their whole life so they were kind of family to me too. When the nanny was ill or got called away, I'd step in and help out when I could. I'm even relatively cool with Indy, Robert's oldest son. I liked to think I was good at bridging the gap between the two of them.

"Time to go," I heard Susan's voice come over the line and then a flash of her face, briefly before disconnecting the call.

"That was quick," Robert intoned as he took the phone from me and laid it on the dresser. I shrugged and then stretched my arms high above my head, which made me a little dizzy. The elevation in Park City was messing with my head; drinking champagne and not water wasn't helping me out at all either.

"Come on," he threw a pile of clothes at me that I'd set out the night before, so I'd be motivated to work out right away. "Let's go."

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