Chapter 1: Heather the Wolf

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The canine hybrid slowly opened her eyes as the lights switched on quickly, stirring the other hybrids in the cells around her with their brightness. She sat up, slowly rubbing her eyes and yawning. It was the start of yet another day. They were all the same, it seemed. Soon, they'd all be heading to the mess hall to eat, once the bell rang.

Ding! Ding!

The hybrids in her Sector all stood simultaneously, waiting for the cell doors to slide open. She looked around, at the other hybrids around her, waving to a coyote across the hall, then turning her attention to the hybrid in the cell right next to her, a wolf just like herself. She smiled, offering a 'Hello' but he simply looked away. She sighed. Most of them weren't very friendly.

The Camps were split into Sectors, separating the types of animals they had to offer. From the Canines, Felines, Birds and even Sea Creatures, every camp had hybrids of almost every kind. She, herself, was in the Canine Sector. Her kind, were usually the best at Tracking, Guarding, and math as well.

The room consisted of two long rows of cells, hybrids held in each one. The cells came with a cot and a place to relieve yourself, but other than that, they were empty.

They were all relieved to get out, the doors opening smoothly and letting them go. Guards stood at attention on either side of the throng, guns ready to fire at any moment. She was very afraid of them, even though she'd never been threatened by one before.

She couldn't say that much about her friend, Ace. Where was he? She thought. Eventually the canines entered the mess hall, splitting up to their own groups to talk and eat together. She wasn't included in any of them. She sighed, walking in and looking around. Come on Ace, where are you?

She looked for wings and feathers; Ace was a crow hybrid and a very brave one too. He was also her only friend.


The wolf hybrid stopped as she heard her name. She looked to her left, smiling widely. Among the many rows of tables and the many groups of hybrids talking amongst themselves, there was Ace, standing by one of the barred windows. He held up his hand, waving with an excited grin on his face. His wings flapped urgently and he beckoned her over, "Come on, it's good news!"

"I'm coming!" Heather called, rushing over excitedly, eager to talk to her one and only friend in this prison she called home.


Author's Note:

Sorry for Chapter 1 being kinda short, but that's because Chapter 2 will be a pretty long flash-back about how Ace and Heather became friends. :) Hope you enjoyed!

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