Chapter Two

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It was awful. I felt every single eye on me. There were Sapphires, Jadeites, Benitoites, and other rare, aristocratic gems. All staring. As the Pearl brought the bubble closer towards me, I began to panic. What would happen if it didn't work?
I shoved the thought aside. Of course it would work. I shouldn't think of stuff like that.
The Pearl approached me and popped the bubble she held. The gem fell into her hands, silent.
"Uh..." I said. Weren't they supposed to reform?
"This gem has been unresponsive for thousands of years. No matter what we do or how hard we try, nothing will bring this gem back. Of course, you are the first gem to have powers over life." Yellow Diamond sounded so pleased when she said that. Almost like she knew exactly what was wrong.
It's not powers over life exactly, more like...what was the term? Florakinesis? Then there are my mind powers... Something like that. But I didn't dare correct a member of the Great Diamond Authority. I knew better.
So I looked down at the gem in the Pearl's hands. With permission, I picked it up. It was small, shaped like a rectangle, longer than it was wide. Carefully, I held it up, facing the light. Not much light came through, but the light that did danced across the marble-like floors and walls.
I concentrated. Hard. I had never done this before, at least, not on a gem. I had been wandering around my Kindergarten when I came across a stick. I picked it up, and instead of it crumbling into dust, like everything natural in the Kindergarten, it turned back into a normal stick. Even better, it bloomed with flower buds. But now...
Snapping back to reality. I kept on concentrating, and suddenly, a magical green aura started to glow around me. The gem in my hands started to float, and I let it. I closed my eyes and let the magic consume me. I felt the world dissapear. All I felt was power, and the gem in front of me. And then, it stopped. Just as suddenly as it had started.
I opened my eyes, and saw someone standing in front of me. She had dark gray skin, almost black. Her hair was just a shade lighter than that, and her eyes were a deep, dark purple. Her clothes were all black and gray.
Nothing like me. I thought. My bright green skin, long green wavy hair, and green eyes proved that.
The gem stood, fully reformed. Looking straight at me, she smiled. Or maybe it was more of a grimace, I wasn't sure.
"Thank you." She said in a raspy voice. Of course, not talking for thousands of years would probably do that to a gem. I smiled back, not sure what to say.
"You probably don't remember me. I'm Obsidian." She continued. "It's nice to see you again, Emerald."

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