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The sound of your ringtone woke you up from your deep sleep. You quickly covered your ears with your pillow and turned the other way and soon after, the sound died down and you were about to sleep until it started ringing again. "Ugh who the hell is it ruining my sleep?" you said and lazily grabbed your phone that was on the table next to your bed.

You opened one of your eyes and saw 'Kim Namjoon' on your screen. You quickly put your phone in silent mode and put it back on the table. "What does that jerk want at 7 in the morning" you mumbled and slept once again.

Kim Namjoon is none other than your senior. Although everyone describes him as the most dashing and charming person in your school, you found him quite annoying. Ever since that day he was assigned to help you in school since you were a tranferee from overseas, there was never a day where he does not call or message you. Whether it was a weekend, a weekday or even a holiday, he constantly kept in touch with you.

The only thing that baffles you the most is how he is in school. Unlike when he calls or messages you, he's extremely quiet and sometimes, he never talked to you in school, which was a contrast in how he shows himself in messages or calls. Despite that, he was still a senior and was older so you couldn't just ignore him. You always simply reply to his messages.

At 9:30 am, you quickly got up and freshen up yourself before checking your phone and saw 3 missed calls and 3 messages from Namjoon. You sighed as you checked his messages first.

'Hey, sorry for disturbing you. You're probably still sleeping. We can just talk later.'

'Uhm.. is it possible that we meet up at the Starbucks near our school? I want to talk about something'

'Can we meet at 1pm?'

You soon scrunched your eyebrows with what you've just read. Namjoon never invited you somewhere before, let alone not on a school day but you just shrugged it off and told him you were going.

After you ate lunch, you quickly changed and went to the Starbucks near your school. The smell of coffee immediately hitting you as you went in Starbucks. You looked around the first floor to find him but he wasn't there so you went to the second floor.

"Uhm.. Namjoon sunbaenim?" you mumbled once you got to the table he was in. He looked up and took off his earphones. "O-oh hi" he smiled as he gestured you to sit down. "I don't know if you like coffee so I just got you a Caramel Frappuccino instead of Americano" he said as you grabbed the drink. "Oh.. thanks sunbae" you smiled and took a sip from it.

Soon after, silence encircled the both of you. 'Awkward' you thought. You watch Namjoon's every action, from drinking his Americano up till using his phone. You couldn't take it anymore. "Ehem-" you fake coughed. He quickly looked at you as you sighed. "Can you please tell me why I'm here? And what were you going to tell me?" you asked as your phone suddenly lit up, indicating that someone messaged you.

You quickly looked at it while waiting for Namjoon's answer. You widened your eyes when you saw that it was from none other than Namjoon, the guy in front of you himself. You opened the message and read it as quickly as possible.

'Well.. this is weird but all I want to say is I want to explain myself. It's probably been 4 months since I've been a nuissance to you and I want to apologize. I don't even know what's wrong with me. I even questionned myself why am I even doing this to a hoobae or anyone younger than me but I eventually realized, realized that I like you.' You stopped reading for a while and looked at Namjoon weirdly, taken aback from his confession.

'I became fond of you eversince we met. You were the only one I could talk to since I never had a lot of friends and since I'm not good in conversing, I could only express my feelings through messages. I just want to thank you for your kindness although I admit that I am annoying because I call and message you 24/7 but I promise to pay you back. Though I dont know how.. but this would be the last time I would be an annoying ass.'

The message ended and you were perplexed at the last message. You look at Namjoon as he smiled and handed you a notebook. Your heart started beating fast and you don't know why. Was it because you realized you also had feelings for him or you were just nervous. Regardless of the reason, you opened the notebook and smiled.

'I love you' was written on it. It soon hit you, how much you loved him too. When he did not message you for the whole day or for 2 days, you would feel empty and lonely. It eventually became a habit for you to wait for his messages or calls too. You now know, how much he is to you and you chuckled at his confession.

Namjoon was baffled why you chuckled. "I was expecting something grand but oh well." you chuckled as he blushed. "I love you too" you said. Namjoon soon smiled, showing his cute dimples to you.

"But this time, please don't call me early in the morning ok? I'm not a morning person" you said once you both went out of Starbucks. Namjoon laughed and held your hand. "Sure babe" he said which made you blush.

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