"I like you, too."

Start from the beginning

Zach took a step towards him. "I don't think so."

The book in Arnold's hand slipped out of his clutches, landing on the floor with a loud thud.

The pair glanced at the book before both diving in to grab it.

Zach felt Arnold's fingers brush against his as their hands touched the cover at the same time. Zach grabbed the book and stood up. He handed him the book, and Arnold took it back hesitantly.

"I'll see you...later."

Arnold frowned. "What?"

"You just wanted me to leave two seconds ago." Zach chuckled, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he turned his head away, towards the windows.

"I...I changed my mind."

"So did I."

"Oh. All right. I'll catch you later, then. I mean, you just said that but-"

"I know." Zach turned on his heel and walked away.


Arnold slid into his dorm an hour later, catching Zach mid-pace.

"Why are you pacing?"

"I'm not pacing."

Zach's wireless was propped on top of their shared drawers again, music playing at a medium volume through the round speakers. Loud, but not enough so those who passed by their room couldn't hear it.

Arnold strode over to it and pressed the stop button.

"You're pacing."

Zach pressed the play button.

"Just thinking."

"With this in your ears?"

"It helps."

"It's noisy."

"You wouldn't get it."

"We share a room."

Zach stopped pacing. "You think I haven't noticed?"

Arnold frowned. "What does that mean?"

Zach turned the music down so it was barely a hum in the background. "Nothing. I didn't mean it like that."

"What got you in this mood?"

"Forget it." Zach fell back on his bed and reached for one of his comics.

It was an old volume, he hadn't had the chance (or the money) to buy a new one, so he settled for re-reads instead.

Zach glanced up from his comic book. "You're back early."

"I was there for hours."

Zach pointed at the clock. "One hour, actually."


Zach put the book aside. "You were distracted."

Arnold wouldn't meet his gaze. "Just tired, I think."

"What's got you thinking?"

Absentmindedly, Arnold reached for the wireless and fiddled with the different knobs. "I don't know."

"Hey, you'll break that."

"Sorry." He sat on his bed with his hands underneath him, like he wasn't sure he could control them anymore.

"You've been like this for a while now," Zach observed.

"So have you."

"I have? How have I been acting?"

Arnold lifted a shoulder, then let it drop. "Strange."

"I'm sorry."

"So am I," Arnold replied, removing his glasses and using the end of his shirt to wipe at the glass.

Zach tsked, standing up as he looked for the cleaning cloth.

He handed it to Arnold.


He sat beside Arnold, watching him clean his lenses.

Arnold put his glasses back on and flashed Zach an apologetic smile. "Sorry about today."

"You didn't do anything."

"I kind of shouted at you."

"I deserved it. Should've respected your need to be alone. You're bound to get sick of seeing my face everyday."

Arnold grinned. "I'd never get sick of seeing your face."

Zach elbowed Arnold's side with a snort. "Dork."

"Friend," Arnold corrected.

Zach smiled, but Arnold was too busy staring at his shoes to notice. Too busy making sure his face wasn't obviously on fire.

The sun was setting. It dimmed the lighting in the room, casting softer shadows across the floor. The tree standing outside their window was moving gently with the breeze. Its leaves left little taps against the glass.

"I should get ready for bed."

"We still have some time to kill."

"Doing what?"

"You could read one of your books."

"What will you do?"

"Read with you."


"Okay, fine, I won't. I'll just watch you read."

Arnold wanted to know if Zach ever truly listened to what he was saying, because it just didn't make any sense.

"Why would you do that?"

"It's calming."

"It's boring."

"I like it."

Arnold cleared his throat. "Why?"

"I like you."

A swallow. "What?"

"You're my friend. I like you."

"Right. Yeah. I like you, too."

My hair's wet and I'm about to go to bed. Woohoo.

Thanks for reading <33

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