Guard and Scythe

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"No! Please not my eyes!" a voice bellowed from a chamber deep under London's quiet streets. The hour was late and even the street girls were asleep and the dunks long gone off the streets. A rather large black townhouse stood out as the only house with a lantern still lit. This house was older than the city itself.

This house in particular was feared by even the madmen and murders. Town people were even more scared of what was bound to the house and who resided there. Meanwhile in said chamber, a single desk stood and a tall figure appears to be busied with something. Blood curled in spirals around the floor.

A bottle of some ancient medicine stood with a message scrawled on a peice of paper .

"Haxory, please spare her! She merely made a mistake. I will give you this anti bacterial anyway. But please consider sparing her! Formally, Dr.R "

Haxory was not a sadist nor a crazy person. Just merely someone you wanted on your side. But back to the bloodbath at hand.

"Please, just kill me!" the anonymous voice called.

"No, I don't believe you really want to or need to die. You just need a bit of a wake up call. This will do the trick." the voice of a very serene Haxory giggled.

Haxory moved her hands in for the kill and plunged her fingers into Digit's eye sockets. She tore out the two shiny spheres. Digits screamed in agony. Haxory quickly poured the anti-bacterial solution into the now bleeding eye sockets of her victim. She proceeded to bandage Digits eye area with pillowy gauze. Digits had fainted due to blood loss. Haxory scooped up the limp body and carried it up what felt like a million stairs. Haxory finally reached a spare bedroom in her lonely and empty home. She put Digits in the bed and left. Locking the door behind her. Tomorrow was going to be interesting to say the least.


Water boiled and the kettle sung. Haxory hummed as she made breakfast for the new resident of her house.

" I hope muffins and oatmeal are fine. And I really don't know how she takes her tea" Haxory pondered as she had a quick mini panic attack moment over tea.

Haxory was not human, however she had lived on Earth long enough to get the idea of things. Being a blood wisp was a lonely life. A lot of solitude and a lot of extra seats at the dinner table. Not to mention no one to try out you one liners on.

She added the finishing touches to the meal and twirled out the kitchen. Humming as she climbed the stairs. Digits was not up yet, but moaned in her sleep.

"Hey, hey Digits! Yeah you, guess what! Wake up" Haxory said as she poked Digits on the cheek with a spoon.

"wha-where am I?" Digits replied in a sleepy voice.

"Welcome to your new home! I will explain over breakfast. I need your help ." Haxory said with a smile as she eyeballed Digits.


As Haxory explained everything, a knock on the wooden door came from the parlor. Outside the door a young ginger haired girl knocked with a sense of boredom on the door. The winter had been freezing so far and this young girl, maybe in her twenties, watched as a little cloud of her breath came out as she sighed. She knocked again. "One moment Digits, we seem to have a young guest." Haxory smiled . Didgits for some reason knew she was exposing all of her teeth, pointy and pearly.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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