Chapter 9: Fighter

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A hundred soldiers stood tall and proud, ready to fight for their country, the sky rumbled in anger as the lightning flashed, but there was no rain, no tears, no mercy. In the front lines Ketsuka stood proudly in her black trigger form, her hair  only reached her shoulders with the tips of yellow, her carnation pink eyes were covered by a strong gold, extending and enchancing the range of her side effect. Her armour consisted of all black from toe to neck, covered by material of which is the same to titanium.

She held both twin daggers at each of her hand, the handle was all black and the blade pure metal, an agonizing sound of horn blew as all soldiers tensed, their commander, lets say commandress steadied her gaze and breathed in sharply, "ATTACK!"

"Eh, cooking duty? Why do I have to do such silly task?" Said neighbor complained "Im not part of your branch anyway, Kido clearly said that" she continued. "Well technically, your staying here. And everyone has their own jobs, everyone gets a turn in everything, and you shuldn't address the Commander by just his first name its disrespectful since he's in a much higher rank than you, Ketsuka-san" Usami stated.

The strawberry blonde haired neighbor reached into her pocket, this caused all attention to be directed to her, she paused for a second a smirked, she pulled out a mediallion which gleamed under the artificial light.

"Hmm? Well technically you call me by just my first name, isnt that going to make you disrespectful? After all I am your superior"

When the shine faded it showed a very beatiful carving of

{13th Commander of Adoshina}

Ketsuka Roisume


The young neighbor sliced trion soldier after trion soldier, not stopping to catch her breath. Their enemy was testing them, she knew it, after all trion soldiers are just meant for gathering trion and training. "Commander!A large horde of trion soldiers approaching at east!" A soldier informed. Ketsuka nodded her gratitude and started to head at the said direction.

Not to be met by a horde of trion soldiers. But an army of the opposing country's soldiers, her  golden eyes widen in excitement as she smirked. Distributing trion to her daggers, the blade lengthen as miniscule trion cubes surrounded it ready to float and explode at it's wielder's command.

"Now this, is war"

"Mhm, I used to lead soldiers to war. Unfortunately, the accident happenned"

"Wait youre under 20 Ketsuka-san?! I mean uh-" Osamu stuttered after all she just told them that she used to LEAD soldiers into WAR. "Just call me Ketsuka, its better, and Im not in charge here anyways" said neighbor replied."H-hai"

"Ne, Ketsu-chan-"Jin started "I said Ketsuka, not Ketsu" the carnation-eyed girl intervened but the agent continued "What do you plan on doing, having a team or going solo?" He asked.

"Why?" Ketsuka questioned, as she stopped chopping and looked at the Yuichi warily.

"Because, I would like to make a proposal. I want you to be my partner"

Wopps not the way you guys are thinking! Its too early. I havent even decided if she's going to have a match yet..


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