Chapter 5: Past and Future meets

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They took a short break, well actually they sent agents to check where I came from to see if it was true or not. They wouldnt find any, not one bit, 'they' werent even real, oh I just love how stupid they are. I escaped the agents who by chance to 'bump' into me, and 'suggested' that they walk with me. If it were not for my side effect, I would have never know, then again if I didnt have that side effect I wont be even here in the first place. Ah yes my side effect, I gained a power to see the past in the cause of the life of my mother. I pursed my lips as I continued to walk, he thought that having a child that can see the past would do him any better at his games. Oh how wrong he was.

I halted mid-step, as I heard multiple footsteps, "We lost her!", "Search for the neighbor immedietly!". Loud voices spoke, I  silently and carefully peered over the wall, there was one left, he had spiky black hair and red eyes, I grit my teeth, Shit where was his teammates?

My question was answered by the sound of an agent, of who had my side effect's opposite. "Mah, I can see you're new here. Are you lost?"


I turned to see a boy two years older than me, I glared at him, he's acting dumb

"Stop your act, I know that you know me. And probably know what Im going to say next" I growled, I thought he was some place else. How do I know? Ask Border.

He chuckled burying his hands in his pockets his eyes glowing manipulatively"Well, atleast you're bold. I know that you'll come with me, whether you like it or not. Im letting you walk on your own or would you rather be guarded by an army of trained agents?"

I growled and cursed under my breath "Fine"


"Jin-san, there you are. You found her? Thats good. I'll go tell Osamu and the others"
With that the white haired boy dissapeared from sight. The glare from my eyes would have torn this building apart right now if I had lasers.

I crossed my arms over my chest, attacking him would be just downright stupid, even trying to manipulate him was going to be insane,

"Its like he's invincible in every possible ways" I mutter to myself quietly. Flames raged at my mind which I tried to calm down, its so fustrating!

I have gathered a few more information, but thats not enough. If I could somehow be in contact within the range of their leader, or they're number 1 team. I'll be out of this hell hole sooner. Luckily, I smirked ghostly I know just where they are.


Abit short. Shoreter than the others I guess.
I apologize, I didnt know that it not even a fourth of the chapter  was published

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