Zayn curls his fingers into Harry's hair, yanking at his hair whenever Harry hits his prostate, making him chant Harry's name as loud as he can. Harry loves to see is submissive like this, how Zayn can just let go and fall apart under Harry's control, knowing that he's safe in Harry's hands.

Zayn is the first to reach his climax, body tensing and toes curling into the mattress as he screams Harry's name as he cums undone between his and Harry's stomachs. Harry soon falls, his face falling into the crook of Zayn neck, teeth biting down on the sensitive skin as he cums inside of Zayns hole with a groan.

"You asshole."Zayns chest shudders as he tries to grasp onto fresh air."Why did you have to bite me?"He whines, already feeling the pain in the crook of his neck but makes no move to move away or let his hands disappear from Harry's hair. Zayns Body is covered in bite marks and bruises, his skin sucked and bitten purple and leaving him looking like a Dalmatian.

"I have to mark what is mine,"Harry chuckles, ignoring the pain in his head from how hard Zayn was yanking at his hair."My beautiful submissive."He kisses the broken skin, voice muffled as he keeps his lips to Zayns heated and sweaty skin.

Harry has fallen slack onto Zayns chest, his weight and figure outweighing Zayn below him who doesn't look fazed with the extra mass on his smaller body. It keeps Zayn grounded, that extra wait on him helps him for slipping into subspace, although he can't deny the fact that he is still on the thin line of entering with Harry still buried deep inside of him, soft.

"C'mon, let's get ourselves cleaned up."Harry declares, already pulling out slowly but still managing to make Zayn below him hiss in pain and sensitivity. Harry apologised with a sweet kiss to Zayns slightly parted lips before getting up into a standing position."Want help up?"Zayn nods, making grabby hands to be helped.

Once standing, Zayn makes effort to open his eyes, clouded with the verge of subspace. He can feel Harry's cum drip from his open hole and run down his tan thighs, and theres cum on his stomach drying into his skin which he really dislikes. He ends up waddling behind Harry, his smaller hand enclosed in Harry's much larger.

"Bath?"Harry raises an eyebrow, watching in adoration whenever Zayn does nothing more than just nod his head, rubbing at his eyes tiredly."Okay, Darling. Sit down."Harry orders, pulling down the toilet lid for Zayn to sit on while he runs a bath.

Zayn complies, too tired and worn out to argue with Harry. The Dominant kisses Zayns sweaty forehead lovingly, whispering praises before he turns to start a bath to get the two of them cleaned up. The bath fills up rather quickly, to a temperature that both males find relaxing and to a height that means the water won't spill over the lip of the bath.

Harry helps Zayn into the bath, following behind him and settling himself in behind the young submissive so that Zayn sits Inbetween his legs. The bath is big enough to fit 6 people, giving them plenty of room to spare and move about in the tub without feeling overly cramped.

"I'm tired,"Zayn whines, lulling his head back whenever Harry starts to press loving kisses to the crook of his neck, over sensitive love bits and bruises that Harry had previously left on the dark skin."And my ass is sore."

"Is it now?"Harry smirks, raising an eyebrow. He has his arms looped around Zayns middle, cradling the younger boy to the chest as they rest in the bath tub."We'll get washed up and then we can take a nap together, how does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect."Zayn sighs in bliss, feeling Harry's long and slender fingers drum on is toned stomach, a song without a name. Leaning his head back, Zayn rests his head on Harry's chest, loving the little kisses left on his head and neck.

"My gorgeous boy, always a good boy for Daddy."Harry praises.

"Daddy's good boy."Zayn smiles heavenly, loving the sound of those words leaving his lips. Zayn can feel himself fall into subspace, his head feels fuzzy and all jumbled up. He's in safe hands, in a safe environment with a man that he loves.

"Let go, baby."Harry whispers into his ear."Let Daddy take care of his good boy."

Fun fact guys; The first smut I ever wrote was Zarry and that was for my first fanfic 'Fixing Lou'. God that was a terrible smut scene.

I apologies for the long wait, once again, and the terrible smut and I know this is a short update but hey! It's an update!

Please tell me what you think!

I am sure to get quicker updates. I just need time to think the rest of this fanfic through and how I'm going to end it



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